Chapter two

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"You're kidding right?" Charity asked, her braids falling infront of her face as she helped Mars out of his suit, it was always a two person job.

"I feel like I am." Mars said as the bulletproof clothing is placed to to be cleaned from blood and dirt.
"She can't stay here, she's certifiably insane."
"She needs our help." Mars said, he takes a deep breath and then speaks again, "she's struggling."

"So are billions of people, people struggle... it's kind of what we do."

"What did we pledge to do?" Mars asked turning so charity's thin hands could reach behind and unzip the long zipper going down his back.

"Help people." Charity said with a sigh.
"Does manic count as a person? " She questioned as Mars turns away from her, peeling off the full body tights, leaving him only in his boxers.

"She's not like the others."
Mars said and charity rolls her eyes. "Just so you know, I think It's sexist that another random psycho can blow up a company full of people and you'd think they're deranged but when  manic does it, 'oh she's just misdirected, she needs help."

"I hear you, but I'll argue, that it's a matter of favoritism not sexism."

"I don't understand your relationship with her at all. "

"You ever feel like every second you spend with someone you can talk them a little further off the ledge? Manic is just as her name says, she's unpredictable, violent and thoughtless but sometimes I listen to her speak and this voice inside my head screams, 'I can fix her.' "

"Is it because she's hot?" Charity asked bumping hips with the dark haired man changing in front of her.
The man's tattooed back is all she can see. The traces of a bouquet of flowers surrendered by an emblem, a shield and a dragon behind it, all tastefully done.

Mars says nothing and charity sucks her teeth.
"You can't Just go around trying to 'fix' Evil people Mars. Sometimes the fruit falls already rotten."

Mars walked out and into the chilly hallway of the clinic wing of the compound. his hair that had been pressed down under his cowl now fell over his eyes.

He needed to tell Jensen about the decision he'd made. Even if the older man would not appreciate it.

But first he had to greet his guest.

Manic's sprawled across the bed in a robe. Her hands have been surgically repaired and wrapped in tight bandages to keep her from moving them.

She was clean and healing.

"Where am I?" Manic asked quietly and Mars raised a brow.
"You're up." He comments blankly, he clenched his fist as that tickle at the base of his spine comes again.

But this time it quickly passes.
Manic groans as she tries to move but her body doesn't respond to her efforts and she slumps back down against the pristine white sheets under her.

"What did you do to me?" Her words were slurred out in one slow monotonous sound.

Mars's attention lowered to her bandaged hands. Eternally thankful to the incredible surgeon that worked to fix them because the image that's conjured up in his mind at what they looked like before was haunting.

"You've been sedated for your own health and safety." Mars said and the woman lets out another groan, trying to sit up against the cocktail of sedatives buzzing in her veins.

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