࿇ ✥ ࿇ CHAPTER-29 ࿇ ✥ ࿇

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on the other side :-

Pandavas and kauravas who reached the forest of kamakhya forest after several hours of traveling and decided to put the tent there and decided to attack next morning

asswathama was sitting in the tent with his father

dronacharya : what are thinking putra

asswathama : just about tomorrow war pithashree

dronacharya : hmm

asswathama : do you think will pandavas and kauravas able to defeat draupad

dronacharya : i don't know about others but i am sure arjun will defeat him

asswathama : don't you remember that he was defeated by magadharaj and your vow to make him best archer in the world was broken by your gurubhartha

dronacharya : if he have experience he would have defeated magadharaj

Asswathama : so you agree pithashree that arjun is no way near the mahamahim or magadharaj , and what experience did mahamahim or magadharaj have when they fought thier first war and won against thier enemies

Asswathama ( continued ) : just because you bestowed all the weapons to him do you think it will make him a greatest archer in the world

dronacharya :  he deserved everything because he is free from jelousy unlike kauravas and you itself saw that he was one who only hit the eye of the bird

Asswathama : like arjun being jelous of ekalayva right pithashree with a smirk on his face

dronacharya : stop this topic asswathama and leave from here i want to take rest

asswathama left the tent thinking how his father asked him to leave just because he said the complete truth about his so called best student

Asswathama with the thought of his father walked into duruyodhan tent where dussashan , vikarna were discussing about the plan

asswathama : what is going on mitr

duruyodhan : nothing asswathama just talking about whether we need go alone and capture draupad or just go with my so called cousins

Asswathama smiled and then said it's gurudakshina duruyodhan as much as i don't like pandavas but it's a gurudakshina so you have to participate along with them

Vikarna : that what I am saying jeysht

dussashan face can tell he doesn't like the idea at all but he have to accept because he will follow his jeysht order no matter what

duruyodhan : hmm asswathama then we must be going with the panduputro's

asswathama : quickly capture them so that we can go to magadha quickly

dussashan : why are so much interested in going magadha

asswathama : i just started to admire magadharaj man i have heard that in his kingdom anyone can do anything with out having any problem in the norms of society and i have heard it's most beautiful kingdom and we two talked a bit we two shared our experience about gurukul and skills we have learnt , so i was looking to talk to him more

duruyodhan : i just love him because whatever i was wishing to do with bheem he done it so I don't care he is humble or not I just love him

all laughed at this

asswathama : ok enough of discussion take rest , tommorow you all have war

All nodded and went towards thier respective bed to take rest

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