࿇ ✥ ࿇ CHAPTER-38 ࿇ ✥ ࿇

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Flashback :

Shakuni as soon he went inside the palace started to walk towards the duryodhan allocated chamber in magadha

He entered the room saying " mere bache mere bache "

Duryodhana : what happened mamashree why are you shouting , does something happened

Shakuni : magadharaj

duryodhana : i know mamashree i also there in arena na i saw how magadharaj defeated our gurudev

shakuni : aree duryodhan i am not talking about that

duryodhana : then what are you talking about .

Shakuni : no mere bache i found a way to make magadharaj support you .

duryodhana : what ? How ?

shakuni smirked and started to speak " merebache think if he marries dussala , he will become your brother in law , so you can get magadha support with you at the same time there is no one can be a better person whom dussala can get married to , magadharaj is a great warrior and king of biggest kingdom don't you think it will be plus for us in both ways

duryodhana : but will mata and pita shree agree to this ?

shakuni: only problem is to make magadharaj agree for this , i don't think your pitashree and mata reject this proposal

duryodhana : why ?

shakuni : mere bache you and that bheem has only a big body and no brain at all , i mean which parents don't want their daughter to get married to a great warrior and powerful king .

duryodhana: ok then come we can talk about this to mata and pitashree.

shakuni nodded and they started to walk together to gandhari and dhritarashtra chamber

Sakuni started to speak how dussala has grown up as beautiful young woman and her age for getting married has come

Gandhari smiled hearing his brother , she can't deny the fact her daughter has grown up very soon and her age for getting married has come and soon she will be a daughter in law of someone

Shakuni : what kind of husband are you expecting gandhari .

Gandhari : I want my daughter to be happy bhartha , i want her to get married to someone who can take care of my daughter very well , i want him to be kind and one who can understand her very well and who has to fulfill her wishes and keep her happy . 

As soon as gandhari tells her about the opinion of how she wishes a husband for dushala , shakuni told them about the proposal of dushala getting married to karna , both gandhari and dhritarashtra were delighted by the news because who doesn't want a son-in-law like karna

duryodhana : what do you say pitashree do you like the proposal which mamashree has said

dhritarashtra : yes putra i like the proposal very much about it but will magadharaj agree to this

shakuni : maharaj we can speak to him about this but before that we need permission from both of you .

gandhari : i also have no problem in this bharthashree more than his valor i like him as a person who can take care of my daughter happily

shakuni : of course gandhari we also want that

gandhari nodded with a smile

dhritarashtra : we can speak about this to tatshree tomorrow morning, then we can proceed with the proposal to magadharaj

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