Chapter 7

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 As the lift starts to go down, I look at Rico and say, "your girlfriend is a headcase and a step away from attacking me. You realize that don't you? Can't you see that having us both under the same roof is insane—her temper is escalating every time she sees me. Please, just send me home before things get out of hand."

Rico rolls his eyes. "I don't care what Gia thinks. And if she keeps mouthing off, she'll find her, and her bags dumped at the front gate." He lights a cigarette. "I have bigger things to deal with than her jealous outbursts. And until I gain power over the grazing fields Grey once controlled, I need you here."

"For what?"

He rests the back of his head against the wall and stares up at the ceiling. "I have several events coming up over the next couple of weeks, and I need you in attendance with me. Nonna thinks having you there will give me a different angle."

"Are you telling me or asking me?"

Rico snickers. "What do you think?"

So, he needs me. That's the real reason I'm here. "Do I get something out of this?"

He blows out a mouthful of smoke. "Sure, why not? What would you like? Money, a new car--"

"A divorce," I say, cutting him off.

He blows out a trail of smoke from his nostrils and finally looks at me. "I got that part, but how much money do you want as well?"

I shake my head. "No money. Just a divorce."

His green eyes hold mine, as if surprised I didn't rattle off a long list of things. "That's all. No money."

"No money. No house or car, just a divorce."

He nods. "Ok... As soon as I gain control, you'll be free to run back to your boyfriend. The one you ran to on our wedding day."

That takes me by surprise. "How do you know about that?"

"One thing you should know about me, Alexis, I miss nothing. And the people who work for me don't either." Rico draws on the cigarette again, the ambers flaring. "I'll have someone drop by tomorrow and get your measurements for a new wardrobe. Nothing like that." he jerks his chin at my outfit.

My eyes widen in surprise. "Like what? It's a dress and heels."

"That," he waves his cigarette at my dress and heels, "is not only a trap set by my grandmother, but it's a magnet for male attention. And I don't need any unnecessary trouble because my grandmother wants you to turn my head."

"This dress is not a trap set by your grandmother. I picked the dress if you must know."

"Did you, or did she persuade you to pick it?"

I open my mouth to tell him he's wrong until I remember Nonna asking for a dress that would get everyone's attention.

The elevator pings and the doors open.

"If I agree to help you, there'll be no repercussions—I mean, regarding my family's safety."

Rico grins, but not at me. "Your family's safer now than they've ever been."

"How do you know that?"

He snickers. "Cause you're dealing with me and not my brother."

He leaves the lift, and I follow behind. We walk along the dimly lit corridor where three security men are waiting at the other end. My jaw drops when the corridor opens to reveal an enormous garage full of expensive cars spread across the floor.

Wow. How rich are these people?

Within minutes, Rico takes off with two of his security men, and Dom directs me to a black SUV. "Into the back seat, if you wouldn't mind," he smiles.

"Why are we in this one?" I ask.

"Because this one is bullet proof and Rico wants you to travel in it."

"Am I in some kind of danger?"

Dom shakes his head. "No. It's just Rico's way of looking after you."

Looking after me. Why? Does he know something? Regardless, I climb inside and slide across the seat, watching as Rico's white sports car takes off through the open garage door.

By the time we get to the main gates, it's dark and the lights from Rico's car are no longer in sight. I can't help but be anxious about what he's doing and why he needs me. Since Dom and I are alone, now seems a good time to ask him what all this means. "Why am I here, Dom?" I say, fidgeting with my fingernails. "I mean really here."

It takes a moment before he responds. "Because you're Rico's wife. Everyone wants to meet the happy new couple."

"Happy." I snicker. "I doubt anyone will believe that after seeing us together. What if these people know Grey wanted to marry me first?"

"I doubt that's public knowledge. I'm certain the only people who knew about that were the Mancini's and a few close staff members."

"But that's not true," I say. "The gang who wanted to kill William and my family knew. They knew because Grey told them to leave us alone."

Dom looks at me through the little mirror with confused eyes. "I wasn't aware. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. You have nothing to be sorry for. Grey probably kept it to himself. It's not an issue. I was just curious, is all."

Dom nods and continues driving.

I remember sobbing on the sofa after discovering people wanted to kill us. Then Grey appeared and told me if I became his wife, no one would touch me or my family. If they did, it would start a gang war, and the other syndicate wouldn't be foolish enough to go up against the biggest crime organization in the country. "So Grey really didn't tell you what was going on."

Dom shakes his head and taps his fingers on the steering wheel. "I wasn't privy to everything that was happening because my wife had just given birth. You'll need to ask Rico or Mrs. Mancini... but things worked out for you and your family in the end. I mean, here you are, and your family's doing well."

"True. We're not dead, so that's something. Not that it matters now," I say. I stare out the side window and take in the stars scattered across the dark night sky. "What can you tell me about the club opening tonight?"

He draws in a long breath. "The club opening is not Rico's main agenda. It's the meeting between him and some other associates that has his interest?"

So there is more going on. Why does that not surprise me. "Who is he is meeting with?"

An awkward silence fills the car before he responds. "He's meeting with Mobsters, Mrs. Mancini."

He called me Mrs. Mancini. I frown at the name. It's unfamiliar and I have not yet come to terms with even being married. "Please call me Lexi... Can you tell me what's the meeting for?"

"Mancini business is done on a big scale around the world. Some of the international associates wanna know who they're dealing with now Grey's passed. Hence the meetings. The biggest problem, though, is Rico is unpredictable and has a violent temper. But he's also the only Mancini hard enough to take over from Grey. So if you see him coming undone, you'll need to calm him as best you can."

"What! You don't seriously think I could calm him, do you? I don't even know him, so why would he ever listen to anything I have to say?"

"You're his wife. I'm sure you can figure something out."

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