Caution: The Sky's Pee!

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(Note: if the POV is not changing from the previous chapter , I would not write it down every single time. Thank you for understanding.)

As I stepped out of the bar, the first thing I felt was the chilly air. It was refreshing. I spread my arms out enjoying the coldness of the air. A cold feeling landed on the tip of my nose startling me. Soon, multiple droplets started to fall from the sky. That explains the chilly weather. My peaceful thoughts were rudely interrupted by a harsh truth, that is I don't have a umbrella with me.

"Damnit, whenever I carry that umbrella nothing happens but when I forget it at home ,it starts raining", I murmured to myself as my feet picked up the pace towards the path of my house.

By the time I reached home I was soaking wet. "Oh my god , mom. There is a wet dog in our living room" Song Jennie , my older sister yelled.

"Haha , very funny Jen. You should definitely audition for a comedy show , I bet you will get the role" I flashed a extremely fake smile at my sister .

"You both started again, Jesus Christ. Yuqi ,honey go take a bath and dry yourself. I don't want you to catch a cold". My mom is such a sweet woman unlike my sister.

I nodded at my mom and went to my room upstairs. I grabbed my towel and stripped out of my shirt and pants getting into the shower. I adjusted the temperature to my liking and stood underneath the shower head.

The warm water hitting my skin caused me to let out a satisfied sigh as it caressed my body and relaxed my tensed muscles. Once I was done showering , I dried myself and wore my favourite PJs.

"Are you done showering? , I'm about to celebrate my 85th birthday "

" Yeah yeah ,I'm done. You wanna come in ?" " Can I ?"

" When did you start asking for permission , Jennie ". As this was said , my sister barged in my room almost slamming the door against my face.

" If u don't want me to be polite , fine then. I won't be asking permissions anymore" She said rolling her eyes.

" I wanted to be a good big sis and I even brought my Lil sister a delicious cup of hot choco , but see what she's saying. Brat"

Hot chocolate.I love hot chocolate. I even believe that hot chocolate is my soulmate. Oh my god , I could already taste it . I made grabby hands , reaching out to the mug of hot chocolate. "Such a baby" Jennie 'tsk'ed but handed me the mug anyways. "I have some assignments to do . Once your done with your drink just place it in the kitchen sink downstairs. Goodnight" Jennie ruffled my hair and kissed my forehead before leaving the room. Ok, I accept that I lied about her being rude. We fight but she will always be my number 2 after, my mom of course.

I was so into enjoying the hot chocolate , I didn't even say goodnight to her. Gosh , I'm such an idiot. Wait.... chocolate.... cupcakes..... Park Jimin and damnit again. " Damn you , Kook. I totally forget about avenging my cupcake's death"

Grabbing the now empty mug , I slowly tiptoed to the kitchen and placed the mug in the sink. The television was running but mom was nowhere to be seen. So , I decided it's best to go to bed . I passed by Jen's room and heard some typing sounds. Seems like she is busy. I'll just see her tomorrow morning. I slid into my thick duvet sheets and felt my eyes getting heavy. The last thing I remembered before the darkness engulfed me was the pitter patter against my window and light footsteps approaching me.


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