.:Chapter 2-Caught:.

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"Watch your hook, Mac!" Aran called as he dodged the teenagers punches. Mac threw a quick jab before throwing another hook, but the movement caused him to jerk his body further than he wanted, thus leading him to tire himself out even more than he already was. He groaned in tired frustration as he leaned over the ropes and regained himself to try again. Training was meant to be one of his favorite parts of the day. Mac was meant to enjoy training, just like he had every day beforehand. But he couldn't, and all because of Dean's words ruminating in his head.

"Most of the guys are just...like that...they have a one track mind...it's nothing new"

It was wrong. It wasn't true. Dean didn't know. Dean was just mad about Mac asking him to come on Friday night. Like "How dare he ask me to come!" The Cheek! The Absolute Cheek! To say that this bothered Mac was an understatement. Frustration boiled in the Teens mind and looked like the lid of release would pop off at any point. After a few smacks to his own head, he finally got back into a comfortable groove. However, his opponent was noticing the signs of frustration, and, as most people knew, if there was a pot, Aran was going to stir it. With a snicker, he began throwing a few light punches in between making conversation, "What's up wit' ya?" He asked. Mac didn't respond. The teen seemed dead focused on throwing punches. This would be typical Mac behavior for Aran but he knew something was up so he asked again"Oi, shithead, what's ya bloody problem?"

"Nothing" Mac finally groaned in response, Aran wasn't convinced "It's obviously something!" He said, "Yer throwing wayward punches left 'n right!"

"Nothing is wrong, Aran," Mac said firmly as he threw a quick jab, "Can we just focus on this, please?", "Nah, lad" Aran replied, dodging the lunch and throwing a few hooks of his own, "Yer acting up! C'mon ye can tell ol' Aran, eh?"

Mac paused before shaking his head, "You tell no one of this, ya got me?" He demanded. The Irish man gave a small nod and a coy smile. He didn't trust it but he was as good as he was gonna get. Mac sighed "My friend..." He trailed off, trying to think of a lie, "...um...Gene..." Nice one "...I've been offering him to come to my fights since I've known him but the stubborn bastard won't budge..."

"That's it?" Aran asked, a little disappointed, expecting something more. Though it clearly meant a lot to the boy as Mac scowled at him. Aran chuckled nervously, "...Sorry, I mean...how come?", "I don't really know...I know it had something to do with his dad dying here..." Mac explained.

"His dad died here?" Aran asked

Mac nodded "Yeah, though he won't tell me exactly what happened" he lied. Mac knew the cause, though he didn't dare elaborate for Dean's own safety.

"Ah, is 'at right?

"Yeah, and it's pissing me off!" Mac yelled, throwing a variety of punches towards Aran. "I ask him nicely each time, I tell him it's all expenses paid, yet each and every time he says No!" A few more wild punches were thrown amidst Mac's fury. For once, Aran was struggling to dodge them. "He says that The guys here would force him to get in the ring!"

"O-okay Mac, watch it" Aran said, as his sides were met with furious hooks. Usually Aran could handle it, but at this point they were becoming more painful by the second. More than he was used to.

Mac gripped his hair furiously and began to advance towards Aran, with more furious punches in tow. "I ask him why, he never specifies WHY, just 'Oh it brings me unpleasant memories!' If he just told me WHY it did then I could understand his position better!"

"Oi Mac! S-slow it down!" Aran protested as his stomach was met with various hooks and jabs. The teens power began to increase, as did the power behind his punches. "I could help him! I could get him through it!" Aran was getting pushed further back into his corner, unable to fend off the hits much longer "MAC! CUT IT OUT!" He screamed, but the Teen boy's fury overpowered his cries. "BUT HE JUST WON'T TELL ME!!" Mac screamed. In his fury he coiled his arm back, as it did, the infamous blue light of the star punch began to emit itself from Mac's fist.

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