.:Chapter 11-Finding Home:.

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"Okay, thanks Doc...Okay, Buh-bye," Disco said, setting his phone down on the table. He sighed and slumped back in his chair. The group had just arrived back not too long ago, they were exhausted, they were drained, but most importantly, they were hungry. Disco held up on his offer to take the guys to the cafe, but unfortunately, the Barista he bragged about wasn't in. Regardless, the group was happy to be back...somewhat.

Disco pulled out his camera and turned it on, clicking on a picture of his father's grave and the inside of his grandmother's house. Such a short time spent at that house, and yet it was the most meaningful and worthwhile moment spent. Why did it all have to get taken from him? Disco couldn't say, but he reckoned it was just life being her cruel self. His mother did always say that she could take away just as much as she gave...if not more.

He never thought much about it until this week. All of this fuss...around a man who wasn't even here anymore...the fact it still hurt so much...

The three older men looked at each other in worry, watching as the youngest sat looking at the camera with a blank expression. Kaiser set his cup of tea down on the table and sniffed, placing a firm hand on the boy's shoulder, "I...I am so sorry about your Oma, Disco..." he said. Disco turned his attention to the man and smiled, placing his hand atop Kaisers. "Thanks, man..." he said, "...I just...I wish I could've...been there...there is SO Much of my life that I've missed!... and I don't know if I'm gonna ever get the chance to...experience that part of me..."

"Hey, we got to see your father, learn about the REAL him, and you finally got closure!" Hondo said happily, "You got to learn about the HAPPIEST times of his life, and, even better, you helped Elliot here finally not feel...afraid to talk about him!" he said, gesturing to Hugger. The man nodded enthusiastically, "Bud, you helped me find closure in this whole thing...I think I can safely say...I don't ever have to be scared, or upset thinking about him...cause now I can just...remember all the good times with him...instead of just the constant bad"

"I-I know..." Disco said, smiling, "...and don't get me wrong, I am so, SO happy you guys got to learn and grow alongside me...this was a big thing for all of us..." he paused and wiped at his eyes, "...but I can't help but feel something is still missing!" he said, a tinge of sadness gracing his voice.

The older men murmured and nodded in agreement. "I know what," Hugger said, taking a small sip of his drink and then setting it down again, "You didn't find Dean..."

"...No....No, I didn't..." Disco said, resting both his arms on the table and laying his head on his shoulder in disappointment, "...I didn't find him..." He sighed as he looked up at the others, pouting a small bit. "Hey, I...I'm sorry I got you all dragged into this...and for what? Nothing...the entire reason we went out wasn't even there..." he said with a sniffle, "...and now I'm never gonna find that missing part of me..."

"You vill...I know you vill..." Kaiser said, smiling and shaking the boy's shoulder gently, "...and don't apologize, okay? I am so proud of you for vhat you vent zhrough today..." he said, wiping his own eyes as tears began to form, "...a-and I know...your fazher vould be too" The man looked to Hondo and Hugger, both of whom smiled and nodded at the boy. Disco gave a broken laugh as he lay his head back on his shoulder. "Yeah well...well thank you," Disco said, pushing himself back up and off the table, slowly, "...well...I...I think I'm gonna go now...thank you guys for doing this with me...I'm grateful..." he let a weak and wobbly smile grace his lips.

"W-where are you going?" Hondo asked, looking at the boy with concern. Disco simply shrugged, drained of any energy. "I...don't know" he confessed, "I'll...probably just walk...around town...I'll see you guys back at the WVBA..." he said, pushing his way out of the door. The little bell slowly rang as Disco walked out of the cafe and turned right towards the park. Small sniffles and sobs escaped him as he walked, trying to hide his face within his jacket as he continued down the path.

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