Chapter 2

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Mallory :
Just then my dad stepped in and greeted us with his familiar smile. "Good evening everybody" he said. Everyone in the room gave replies of 'hellos'. He walked over to my mom and kissed her on the lips and then on the forehead. He pulled back and stared at her lovingly. "I love you" he said to her. He did this everytime he came home, not once allowing my mom to forget how he felt about her. To me it was beautiful, this was Valentino, my dad, my best friend and my hero.

I always wondered would I ever find a man that would love me like my dad loved my mom. Their love wasn't perfect and my mom sometimes told me stories about the two of them. But their love was real, raw and beautiful. Though they went through hardships they always came out stronger and that's what I loved about them. They never let one fight get them down. "Hello my beautiful princess" my dad said as he stepped to me and kissed me on my forehead. "Hi dad" I replied back.

"I'll get changed quickly, be right down" he stated as he made his way to the stairs. I went into the kitchen and got everything I needed to set the table out and just as I turned around Dreyan stepped in. "Need any help?" he asked politely. "Please" I said. He came over to me and grabbed the plates as I grabbed the forks and glasses.

As we made our way to the dining table and set everything up I kept on finding him giving me little glances, little stares here and there and it made my stomach flutter. I tried not to blush on the spot but it was really hard considering he kept on doing it. "Is something wrong Dreyan?" I asked not being able to take the gazes anymore. "You've grown a lot Mallory" he said as he kept his eyes on my face and then trailed it along my body stopping where the table stopped not allowing him to go any further.

The way he stared at me had me feeling warm all over and my whole body flushed and I averted my gaze to not show him the way he affected me. My mom soon came in bringing the food out and soon we were all seated at the table.

I was seated right across from Dreyan and my mom and dad were seated at the heads of the table and Dreyan's mom sat next to me and George next to his son. Everyone started serving around dishes and we all ate while laughter went around and chatter started building.

Just as I finished my meal my mom spoke up. "So Dreyan any plans after high school?" she asked him seeing that this was his last year in high school. He looked up at her and graced her with that beautiful smile of his. "I plan to go to college and study medicine, helping people has always been one of my main priorities and I would like to pursue it even further" his reply came. "That sounds wonderful, do you know what college you want to go to?" my mom asked. "The one right here in California" he stated.

I frowned, I always thought he'd maybe leave and study outside of the country or something. Guess not. "That's amazing, I hope everything you want is a success" she affirmed for him. "I hope so too" he replied. "What about you Mallory, what would you like to do after school?" Christina asked as she turned to look at me. "Well I still have next year to decide but I really do want to go into politics, hopefully try and make the government less awful" I said. "But I'm really not sure, there's so much I would like to do but so little time to accomplish all of them" I sighed.

"You're quite the dreamer aren't you" came Christina's voice. "We all are" I said. "I didn't want her to go into politics I think the law is so corrupt but once my daughter has her mind made up, it's decided" said my dad and I couldn't agree more thinking the situation over about Dreyan.

Once dinner was over I helped my mom and Christina load the dishwasher and the two couples ended up watching some movie in the lounge area which meant this was my time to confess to Dreyan and hear what he has to say about the way I feel.

I saw him standing by the back door talking on the phone so I waited until the conversation ended to build up enough courage to go out there. His face had a frown on it once he ended the call and his jaw was clenched as i opened the back door. "Everything okay?" I asked concerned. He turned to me and he looked startled for a second but gained his composure. "Yeah" he nodded.

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