One Last Call

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"News reported that there has been some misunderstanding as the-" Click. "Paw patrols let's go-" Click. "You do not want to upset me young lady I swear-" Click. "When rainbows end near-" Click.

Boring useless television. Nothing but filled with channels of news and other kinds of entertainment that I wouldn't be interested in. Sitting here on the couch munching out a bowl of cereal without milk in the twenty-forth of December.

Recalling to yesterday's events, nothing much was going on, and nothing led me to the person I wanted to find. It was like he just dissapeared out of thin air, without a single trace of me ever meeting him.

Is faith this cruel that it made me delusionise a person? Or is this a dream all along? Though surely those aren't the case, as I could still scroll back through the past SMS we've been sending each other for the past weeks.

Maybe he just decided that, that was it. George probably didn't want to further burden me or himself, so he finally let go.

"Who am I to judge..." I said to myself, sighing as I scooped another spoon of cereal.

I've decided to spend the holiday's later at the Cafe, since being along on Christmas Eve would give me sad memories of my crappy past. Plus, I'd prefer to work anyways than slack around hoping for that one person who may not even care.

With another heavy sigh I forced myself out of the couch, separated from the comfort of the warm blanket as I make my way into the bathroom. It took me a few minutes to clean up, styling out my hair with the beanie after I put on some the perfectly fit weathered clothing.

Toby's mom already said I could work today on the shop and some of my few co-workers that also prefer to work this holiday. So here I am now, putting on my last pair of shoes before I closed the door of my dorm room.

I quietly strolled my way on the empty halls, knowing most of the students are out with their families, loved ones or friends. Now making my way until I reach for downstairs and headed straight to where I work, which is a few meters away. I would usually take a shortcut towards my workplace, though today I thought, why not enjoy the busy streets for a while?

And so I did and began to just enjoy the scenery of this part of Manchester. Though I know that most buildings here are just, basically what I see everyday.

Calmly as I march across the sidewalks with a bunch of other people, I couldn't help but see a familiar brunette that regularly comes to the Cafe, now holding a little girl probably around six or seven years old, him telling the little girl to never let her hand slip from his.

I paused at the two's brief interaction before George noticed me a few meters away from them and waved. By now he must have remembered me, as I would usually be the server that serves for him back at the Cafe.

I slowly began to walk towards them as he held out his hand to the younger before glancing back towards me and says, "Oh hello there Mr. Clay, you going to work?"

"Yeah, I fortunetly don't have a day off on the holidays."

George chuckled, "Fortunetly? So you prefer working than having a day off?"

He said, as I responded. "Yeah, kind off."

"Oh, by the way this is my niece Mary." He said, and the little girl waved her tiny free hand towards me.

"Hello mister." She politely said, before clinging her hands back to her uncle's coat.

"I was going to head to the Cafe with her, since I thought I'd take some home for my sister and her husband." He said, a very thoughtful gesture of him.

I hummed in respond, before offering them to tag along with me since we're both going the same direction. George here is definitely older than me, as he is already a liscensed professional vet. While the George I know of is a drop out student who works at Bernie's.

We were on our way almost near the Cafe when a sudden vibrate from the inside of my pocket stopped me on my tracks. Noticing that it might probably be too early for Nick to call, I went ahead and grabbed my phone to check and see who it was.

"Clay, are you alright?" George said, as my faced looked like I've seen a ghost. My vision kind of blurred for a second as I lost my focus and the only thing I can see was the ring going on and the name of the person that's calling me.

"Y-yeah, uh hey mind if I take this? I'll be right after you." I stuttered out, before turning my back on the brunette and his niece while I headed into a corner of a random building.

My whole body froze on the spot, everything felt nerve-racking. It's as if he suddenly reappeared out of nowhere, though through my phone. My thoughts were going wild as the toned of the phone still rang. I was mad, I was upset, I was heart broken.

Though after taking a really deep breath and a few exhales, I was finally able to calm myself down before slowly swiping the green button in.


I could hear it through the speaker, the deep and uneven breath of someone through the phone. George is there, he is trying to calm himself as well. He probably knows how I'm so pissed, how I've waited and even came to look for him. He knows how I wanted to meet him, yet he never did the same.

"H-hey Clay...." A raspy voice speaks, hearing his voice for the first time in a while was different. It felt like something was wrong. It felt like it was distant.


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