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"Hey George..." I leaned myself on the side of a wall as I spoke. He's finally back, after a whole week of being gone and missing, he's finally called me back. "Why George?..." I asked, gritting my teeth.

"I-I'm sorry..." He mumbles, hearing his heavy breathing at the end of the line. I can tell that from the way he's breathing, he must be outside of the cold, out from his apartment.

"You're sorry? For what? Dissapearing so suddenly?!" I yelled through my phone, unable to contain my anger from him.

"I didn't, mean to dissapear..." He cries out, trying to explain what has been going on for the past week. "I, so badly wanted to find you Clay..."

"Find me? Why didn't you say so, you already asked me where I live and we could have met! Did you know I went to Stockport yesterday just to find you?!"

"It's not like that Clay..." He said, hearing him starting to sob on the other line. It felt weird, it felt like he's hiding something that I so eagerly want to find it out.

"Not like that huh... So you tried to find me in this city yet when I went to find you you're not in Stockport. Tell me George, did you lie about where you lived?" I asked him. Not mentioning about the part where even the manager at Bernie's didn't know who he was.

"Clay please listen to me..." He mumbles.

"I am listening! You suddenly dissapeared George, God's sake I thought you left me, or worst is that you are dead!" I couldn't help but let my anger out, I can hear himself flinch when I did, he knows his made a mistake.

"Why would you care if I leave, it's not like you like me or anything." George responded.

"Well maybe I did! Maybe I did like you. Not just for you accompanying me, but for who you are." I cried out.

"Y-you like me?" He stuttered, feeling surprised at what I said. "I-I'm sorry Clay..."

There was a bit of silence that flooded over us for a while, my sudden confession to him was unexpected, and it surprised him. To be honest, it surprised me as well.

"You don't have to say anything about it. I know you don't feel the same way, that's why you left me." I sigh, knowing its pointless to argue further about this.

"I like you too..." He whispers, barely hearing what he said. "That is why I tried to find you."

"I told you George, if you want to know where I live then you could have said so-" I tried to explain it to him, but he had cut me off.

"I did, I found where you live Clay... I know the exact dorm you're sleeping in. The exact location to your workplace... I found it all Clay."

"Then why didn't I?-" I asked, and he cuts me off again.

"I've actually been staying in Manchester for a while now, just glancing around the area and neighborhood to where you are..."

"So, you were here the whole time..." I mumbled, surprised by what he confessed. "Where are you now?"

"Whitworth Park..." He whispers.

"Stay there, I'll be there in a couple of minutes." I said, before hearing him mumbled something out as I turned off the phone.

I didn't understand what he said, but I made sure to dash my way to the other road where I might just be able to ride a bus towards the park.

I feel like I've been waiting for this for so long, though George and I only met a few weeks back, at the very first week of December. This is it, I'm finally going to see him in person, for the very first time.

I was able to take a shortcut right through the buildings, unto the highway of oxford where there was a bus stop a few meters from where I was.

I sprinted towards it, and found out that the bus just took off a few minutes ago. Damn it, I missed the bus.

But that didn't stop me, I don't want to miss this opportunity. Again, I can feel a buzzing in my pocket, George must be trying to contact me, but I ignored it as I made my way to the park...


A few weeks ago...

I just got out of work, finally the end of my night shift and the start of a new day. I've been alone on my own for a while now, living a simple life with just me in my own apartment.

It has always been like this since I moved to Stockport. Four years of living the life after I dropped out of college, all on my own. Until one day, a few weeks back at the start of December where I met this random person on a prank SMS.

Clay brought up a new taste in life. He is a college student living Manchester, a few hours away from my town. It surprised me to meet someone so unexpectedly, yet these past few days made me happier than I was before.

I used to believe being alone and independent is enough. That I didn't need friends or family tobe here, but ever since he showed up on my phone my world turned differently.

Clay was a very curious person, he talks alot about himself and always like to ask me questions about me. After talking to him on the phone for the first time, I was determined to know his location so that I could surprise the guy and meeting him in real life.

After a couple days of endless conversation with him, I was able to ask about where he lives, and was ready to meet him in person.

I was excited that at that time that I even filed a leave for a week to come to Manchester and secretly bought a ticket on the train in advance.

A week ago...

As soon as Clay went to his afternoon shift, I immediately headed to the train station. Bringing a bag of few clothes with me and a few necessities that I may need. I especially booked out a private room on the train, so that I can rest while on the way to Manchester.

The ride was pretty slow, and it felt like ages before we arrived. Immediately gone off the train as soon as it arrived, and headed straight to where Clay's school campus is. I decided to take an Uber on my way there, directing the driver exactly at the front of Clay's college dormitory. It was a huge old building that was behind their College Campus.

I made my way inside, noticing a few students coming in and out. A few took glances of me as my slowly made my way up the staircase. The dormitory seems to be publicly open as there weren't any door receptionist downstairs.

I remembered correctly what Clay told me yesterday, about his room dormitory number. I watched as the signs of each floor says different letters. Knowing that each floor has a different letter and a number going one to fifteen.

I made my way to the third floor, where the floor D is located. Glancing both left and right before noticing the door with the letter and number D12 in it.

That was it, his room door. I slowly went towards it, noticing that it has a lock outside, meaning Clay must be still at his shift. I stopped infront of the door as I checked out my phone to see the time, noticing it was already five in the afternoon.

Sighing as I decided to sit infront of the door, waiting for the time to hit six before clay clocks out of his work.


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