Part Thirteen

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(Your P.O.V)

My head is killing me from the blood loss as Dabi tosses me on the ground I groan in response to my head hitting the cold wall. "There we got your lover and she shouldn't be using any of her quirks she's too exhausted." I faintly heard Dabi say to someone as they chuckle and walk my way. My vision was too blurry to make out who it was exactly but as soon as I heard his voice I heard a hint of my siren song in his voice as he speaks and my eyes shot open to see Tomura. "Hello my love. You have no idea how long I've waited for you my dear~" he purrs making me feel sick to my stomach.

I look at his eyes to see a hint of pink in them knowing that he's still under my quirk to some extent I can force him to let me go but I don't have the strength to stand let alone speak. My head drops but he grips a fist full of my hair making me cry out in pain forcing me to keep looking at him. "We wanted to grab you to see if you'd be so kind as to drop your siren quirk on Tomura. As you can see he still has full control over himself seeing how you didn't get to complete the song but he's still in love with you." I grit my teeth looking at the voice to see a purple talking figure looking at me with pricing yellow eyes and force myself to speak. "And what if I do? I'm a pro hero that he's not even remotely interested in. I know he wants to take down All Might and he has no use for me so if I drop my quirk then what's keeping him from killing me?" I ask him venom flowing through my words.

I hear Tomura laugh as my attention is brought back to him as he gets close enough to my face I could feel his breath on my lips. I try to turn my face and struggle against him but to no avail. He lets my head go as it slaps against the ground causing me to accidentally bite my lip. "I got it~" the blonde girl says and skips over to me as she holds my head up smiling and blushing she takes her tongue and licks up the blood. "Your blood tastes just like sea salted chocolate!!~" she says in excitement and she goes to lick my blood again she's dragged back by Tomura. "Enough!" He points to the small tv on the bar counter where on the screen was Nezu, my brother, and...Shouta. My heart ached seeing him in the sate he was in. His eyes were red from crying, he looked exhausted even more so than usual, and he didn't bother on fixing himself aside from putting his hair up and threw a tux on.

The three addressed the public as the threw question after after asking about my capture and if they need to worry about me being converted to the League. Nezu was about to answer when Shouta standing up sneering at the reporter as they dared to ask such a stupid question. "Serena? A villain?" He laughs coldly as he stares at the reporters they all stood there in shock at his outburst. He continues. "The day she becomes a villain is the day that all villains have a change of heart and stop what they're doing and try to become model citizens." His attention goes to the camera and it's almost like he's looking directly at me.

"Don't worry baby

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"Don't worry baby. We're coming for you just hang in there until we can find you. And to the League?" His demeanor changes completely making me shiver. "You're gonna regret fucking with the love of my life and so help me if you've hurt her..." He breathes deeply as Ashi puts his hand on Shouta's shoulder. "We'll you'll find out soon enough." The room loses their minds over his statement. 'We'll that's one way to tell the public eye that we're together.' I think smiling then one reporter stands and talks above the rest with a different question. "EaserHead! You basically said that she'd never become a Villain correct?" Shouta nods his head. "Then are you aware that she killed her own father?!" He asks holding his pin in his hand.

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