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Nine years later

(Your P.O.V)

"Mom!! Come on I'm gonna be late!!" You hear your son Ian say and you giggle shaking your head as you straighten your other sons tie. "Ian honey clam down. You have to wait for your dad anyway." You say moving a string of hair out his face.

After finding out you were pregnant with your eldest, Ian aka Brian, you retired from hero work and focused on your signing career. You retired from that after your second born Shouta Jr. Sho for short. You became a full time mom and just in time after you third born, this time a beautiful daughter was born and you named her Toga. You were currently pregnant with child number four.

"Mom it's our first day at U.A.!! We gotta be there right Sho?!" Ian asks his younger brother and he just smiles at you and nods. "Well school can't start without a principal can it?" Shouta says walking downstairs fixing his tie. A few years after Ian was born Nezu decided to retire and he choose Shouta to take his place.

"Hi honey." He says kissing you careful of your baby bump. "And good morning to you my little trouble maker." He says kissing your stomach and walks over to your sons. Talking to them about how their first day would go and you hear your daughter making her way down the stairs.

"Good morning my little droplet." You say kissing her forehead and she gives you a kiss on the cheek. "Morning momma." She hugs her dad as he picks her up and she kisses his cheek.

You were in absolute bliss watching your little family.

The Aizawa Family
Shouta & Y/n Aizawa

Ian aka Brian Aizawa- Named after Y/n's late brother Brian

Shouta Aka Sho Aizawa Jr- Named after his father

Toga Aizawa- Named after Himiko Toga, Y/n's late friend

Thank you all so much for reading Heart Of The Seas. It means the world to me that you all read and enjoyed my book. I am currently working on more books that can be found on my page.

Birds Of A Feather- Hawks x Reader book.

Burning Flame- Bakugo x Reader, a combination book between me and my friend/ beta reader Cherry_Bomb1718

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