Eternity part 2

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You knew there's be strings attached to the whole reaper thing. But you didn't care.

It was all for her, your only regret was making her cry over you.

Fitted with glasses, a training scythe, and uncomfortable suit you were now officially a reaper in training. Just days after taking a gun to your own head, your human body now being prepared for burial and your reaper self sitting at a desk in a boring class. You were eager to get out as soon as possible and go looking for an office with the name Sutcliff on the door.

You didn't take in any information you were being taught. Only thinking about what you'd say to Grell knowing she'd be hurt by your actions. But you just couldn't sit there and wither away doomed to die old and without the chance to have an afterlife with her.

The second you were let out of that class, and told to head back to your dorms you directly disobeyed that and went right up to the main section of the building weaving though each room and checking each door looking for the red head.

"Hey I know you! I saw your body a few days ago"

You stopped in your tracks when you passed a man who'd recognised you. He seemed to be a forensics worker based on the uniform, you assumed he'd been assigned to your case or something and that's how he knew you.

"Do you know a-" you began.

"Grell? Yes. She was the one who had to reap your soul and when she didn't come back at the usual time I was sent to get her. I've never seen her so... destroyed before" he replied.

"Damnit I hope she understands..."

"She's two floors up"


Immediately running off, you scrambled up the flights of stairs and slammed the doors open to the open floor that seemed to be a filling room for all the information on each soul reaped. You looked around, and just as you thought she stuck out like a sore thumb. A red person in the sea of black suits.

She sat beside someone with an undercut and looked depressed, not paying attention to what the man was saying.

"Grell!" You called out.

She immediately looked up, took a second to process and not even caring you were both making a scene she jumped up, ran over with a slight limp and bandaged foot and leapt into your arms.

"You idiot! You fucking idiot! How dare you make me a complete wreck for days over you! I told you not to do anything stupid and now you're here, stuck in eternal torturous work with me. You... you absolute... beautiful idiot.." she sobbed.

"I'm sorry... you know why I did this though. I couldn't stand just watching the years go by, getting old knowing I'd die and leave you behind. To me and afterlife of punishment is worth it if it's with you..."

"You don't understand (y/n) there's so many strings attached to this! If I'd know did become a reaper I never would have-"

"Grell, I'm fully aware of how bad this can get. But I don't care, I don't care as long as I'm with you. Now we can finally stay together until the end of time, and one day far in the future when we finally get forgiven we can live a normal life together"

She didn't know what to say, she felt so many emotions at once. On one hand she was overjoyed to see you again, this time not bleeding out and dead. So exited to spend your whole afterlife together with nothing stopping you. But she also felt guilty for being the cause of your death, and worried for you having to endure the stress and pain that comes with the hard work of being a reaper.

"Plus... if one day we can't take it anymore, we can just run off together. We'll have each other and that's all that matters huh?" You added, under your breath so no one heard the talk of going rouge.

She sighed, just pulling you back into her arms and resting her head on your shoulder.

"You're an idiot (y/n), but I love you too much to stay mad" she said.

"I'll make it up to you, promise" you replied.

"Just having you here breathing and ok is enough"

Standing there in each others embrace and savouring the moment, finally reunited and able to stay young together forever you both just... were. Like two souls has become one. But you didn't let that last long as you had something to scold her for this time.

"And what's this? I've told you over and over that running in heels is a bad idea!" You said, gesturing to her bandaged ankle.

"Oh that- yeah I twisted it. Running to you, thank you very much! You did this!" She joked.

"Well maybe if you'd listened to me and not run in heels-"

"Hey I need to be the tall, sleek woman I was born to be ok? Can't do that without heels"

You were just glad that now the traumatic ordeal of dying was over for the both of you, things could finally just slow down to a regular pace and the two of you could stay together forever living a relatively normal afterlife as a reaper. You could live together, make cakes together, split chores, go out for dinner, get tangled in blankets as you slept, all the normal small things that came with living together as a couple. Nothing was stopping you now.

"I'd kiss you repeatedly but we've already caused enough of a scene" you joked.

"That's why I have an office, come!" She replied, grabbing you by the tie and dragging you out of the room down the halls to her office.

This was what you died for.

All of it was worth it just to kiss her again.

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