Girls girls girls

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A/n: lil something for the wlw. Let's go lesbians. Also fully transitioned Grell bc she deserves it. So yeah modern setting.

If your parents found out you'd been seeing a girl, they'd have your head. Doesn't help she's not even human.

Your life was normal, a 20 year old still stuck at her parents because houses are expensive. It was so normal you were bored out of your mind. That was until you ran head first into the prettiest girl you'd ever seen late one night on the way home from a night out.

She was tall, had the longest and brightest red hair, eyes so green they almost glowed. And yet you only caught a glimpse of her the first time you met as she just quickly spat out an apology and ran off. But you couldn't stop thinking about her, and where she was going at midnight in such a rush. You saw her again another night, when you drove past the scene of a car crash. She didn't seem phased, like she was only there to watch or something.

You had no idea who she was or what her name was, but she clearly knew the area and must have been living somewhere close. And finally you ran into her a third time, covered in blood as you walked home late one night. Of course seeing someone dripping blood raised a few red flags, although this wasn't someone else's blood. It was her own. You'd rushed over and asked if she was ok, and at the time she said he'd gotten into a fight and that was it.

But when you eventually got closer and you learnt the truth about her connection with death you realised it was a dispute over a soul that caused her injuries that night.

She was hesitant to tell you about her reaper self when you'd gotten closer, as humans weren't really meant to know about it. But after centuries she'd clearly gotten tired of it all, and it just spilled out. That night you sat on her couch, wine in hand and broth drunkenly rambled about how much of a mess your lives were.

You were still stuck at home with parents who didn't accept you. And Grell was stuck in a job she'd been worked to the bone over for literal centuries. She used to love it, back in the 1800s. But after the same thing every day and overworked for 100s of years, you get tired.

She wanted out, and so did you.

That's when you made a wild suggestion.

"Why don't we just... runaway together?" You suggested.

"(Y/n)- what? You know how dangerous it can be to just up and leave with no plan?" She replied.

"But I want out of my parents lives so bad. You're clearly dying to get out of dispatch too, they've treated you like shit for centuries Grell. If they won't let you leave you should just tell them to such your dick and leave"

"Honey we both know I got rid of that thing years ago" she snickered.

But your suggestion was tempting, she was just so... tired. She wanted to do her own thing for once and live her own afterlife. Even though you were human and you'd keep ageing while she stayed young, she was willing to risk it all for you. If finding a way to immortalise you and running away together meant you could both escape all your problems, she was willing to try.

You didn't really plan much, but you were both desperate. One hot summer night a few months after that drunken conversation, you packed your bags with anything you needed and couldn't bare to leave behind and met your red reaper at airport.

She'd told you she could sort out some kind of fake passport situation so no one could track the two of you down, and you believed her. She was a reaper after all, she'd have to change her identity on paper every few hundred years or it'd raise some eyebrows.

You'd both decided to just get on a plane with what you had and figure it out together. Even if it was rough for a while, you could get through it together.

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