Office stealthing

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A/n: NSFW warning! set in the modern day with a post transition Grell. Because she deserves a pussy, she wants one so bad. Reader is left gender ambiguous.

Both of you knew you weren't allowed to have uh... relations... while on the clock. But that didn't stop you, definitely not when Grell had an insanely high sex drive. Especially since she'd had bottom surgery and wasn't dysphoric about sex anymore.

You'd gone into her office with the intention of looking for the most recent death ledger files, but ended up doing some other things... only to almost get caught when the door handle rattled and in walked Will.

So now you were hiding under her desk, between her legs with her panties in your hand and her skirt pushed up. She'd pulled her chair in so no one would notice her lack of underwear underneath the desk, and cornered you against the wooden wall of the desk between her legs. You stayed quiet, listening to Will yap on about reports and Grell try to act natural.

"Sutcliff I don't know how many times I've have to tell you to file them in order. You can't just hand them in randomly" Will scoffed.

"Yes, yes I know! I'll fix it. Now I have work to-" Grell said.

"How can I be sure you'll actually fix it? You didn't last time"

"To be fair last time we got got called out for an emergency reap mid filing..."

Can Will just fuck off please? You had things to do here. Tired of waiting and feeling like being a tease, you gently put your hands on Grells thighs, feeling her lightly kick you under the desk telling you to not be a tease right now. You ignored it of course, and ran your fingers across her soaked folds gently rubbing her clit again. You watched her tense, hearing her try and keep it together.

"I don't want to hear any more excuses Grell" Will said.

"I-I'm not making excuses! We really did get called out don't you remember? Last Wednesday?" She replied, a slight quiver in her voice.

You held back your cheeky giggle, leaning in and brushing your tongue against her clit. She immediately reacted by pressing her high heel into your leg to tell you off. But you didn't mind the pain, you just wanted to be a brat and tease her. She held back a desperate moan feeling you sucking her clit and rubbing your tongue against it. She shifted slightly to try and ease the tension.

"Are you even listening?" Will said.

"Yes! God Will I get it! I'll fix the dates and hand them in properly now can you get out? I have to finish all this damn extra work!" She replied, getting real sick of him hanging around so long.

Will sighed, realising there was no getting through to the red head.

"Fine. But seriously I expect it done properly" he said, turning to leave.

"Yeah yeah..." Grell replied.

As soon as the door closed and he was gone, she pushed her chair back and grabbed you out from under the desk.

"WHAT are you doing?! Are you crazy? Are you trying to get us caught?" She scolded.

"It's thrilling though isn't it?" You replied with a cheeky grin.

She watched you get back between her legs and teasingly lick her clit again.

"Well... yeah..." she admitted.

"See? Not so crazy am I?"

"But what if I couldn't hold back and came while he was in here?"

You shrugged, leaning back in and continuing to eat her out. She couldn't argue with you, not when you were making her weak at the knees.

"F-fuck... (y/n) you brat" she moaned.

You just giggled, sucking at her clit and prodding it with your tongue. You'd been going at it for a while before Will walked in, so it didn't take long for her to revert back to whining and shaking in pleasure.

"Ahh... darling please..." she whined.

Feeling her hand grip your hair, you could tell she was close. She glanced up at the door making sure no one was outside walking by heading this way. The small window on the door partly covered by her work calendar showed no was was close by and she was able to let go without drawing any attention.

At this point you'd rubbed her clit raw, and with a drawn out and desperate cry of your name her back arched and hips pushed into your mouth as she came hard from your handiwork. You kept sucking at her through her high to draw it out as long as possible until she fell weak and let your hair go.

Pulling away you licked your lips of her juices and wiped the dripping from your chin with your sleeve. She looked down at you with lustfully satisfied eyes and a love sick smile as she caught her breath.

"Fuck (y/n), how do you do that so well?" She sighed.

"A lot of practice on you during work hours" you teased.

She got up, grabbing your collar and pulling you up too. She pushed you into her chair and immediately went for the zip on your work pants.

"Your turn is it?" You asked.

"My turn. And if we get caught it's your fault" she replied, pulling your pants off your legs.

"Deal. Now I'd like to see you make me cum as hard as you did~"

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