Chapter 5

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Andy would have to watch the movie again, because by the end, she could barely remember what she was supposed to have seen. But the devastating effect of Miranda's proximity was vivid in her memory! Andy wasn't completely lost because she knew the plot, and had watched the old version. Otherwise, she would have had a difficult time with the twins' enthusiasm for commenting on some parts.

"Bedtime, Bobbseys," Miranda announced, standing up and stretching her body.

"Oh Mom!" Caroline complained.

"Just a little more! Andy is here!" Cassidy asked.

"And you will see her every day, very soon," Miranda replied with a winning smile. "I bet Andrea is tired too," she added, turning to the other woman suggestively.

Andy quickly agreed. "It is true. I'm dead tired!" She also got up.

The girls narrowed their eyes and pouted but said nothing more.

"Andrea will go with you while I take things to the kitchen," Miranda instructed, and bent down to pick up the empty popcorn cups and glasses, and place them on the tray.

The twins perked up and pulled Andy by the hands, dragging her out of the TV room and up the stairs. Three excited voices echoing down the hall.

Realizing she was smiling, Miranda rolled her eyes and went to take care of her pending task.

* * * *

Andy helped the girls with their bedtime rituals. Miranda said that when they learned about the disease, the sisters started sharing a bedroom again, they felt safer that way.

When the twins were under the covers, Miranda arrived. She sat with Caroline, and Andy, who was standing between the two beds, sat with Cassidy.

"Andy, when are you moving in?" The girl next to her asked softly. Her eyes were already sleepy.

"We haven't discussed a date yet."

"Why?" Caroline wanted to know, from across the room, turning to look at the younger woman.

"It's better for Andrea to take this slowly. Come whenever possible, until she moves in. It will be easier for us to get used to it," Miranda answered for the younger woman.

"Oh, okay...I think I understand," Caroline said through a yawn.

"Okay, darlings, go to sleep now," Miranda asked softly.

This time there were no protests.

"Good night Bobbsey," Miranda kissed Caroline's forehead, going to do the same with her other daughter.

On the opposite side of the room, Andy also kissed Cassidy on the forehead, and then switched places with Miranda. After saying goodbye to the girls, the women left the bedroom, in the hallway, Andy froze.

" am I going to sleep?"

"In the bedroom that belonged to Stephen, adjoining mine. It will be yours from now on," Miranda explained naturally.

"Oh...! Unh, well..." Andy stammered, her face flushed.

"Come with me, I'll get you something to wear."

Andy silently followed Miranda up the stairs to the master bedroom. There, she discreetly glanced at the decor. It had expensive furniture, like the rest of the house, but the aura of personality was clear. There was a bit of Miranda Priestly in every corner. Strangely, Andy felt inhibited at such a show of intimacy. She knew that few people had been there. The finding caused her to stop her investigation.

While Andy stood in the middle of the place, looking at her nervously wringing hands, Miranda went to the sprawling closet at the end of the room.

"Take, I think it will fit you. It's the biggest I have," the editor handed her a pearly nightgown, looking the younger woman up and down in reference to her size.

Andy pursed her lips. It looked like Miranda was making a comparison. She wasn't and never was fat, as Emily loved to poke. She was just different from Runway's scrawny models.

"Thank you..." She said grudgingly, taking the item of clothing. It was soft, and expensive, Andy was sure.

"In the bathroom there are toothbrushes and other things you might need."

"Hmm, right. Thank you," Andy thanked again. "Good night," she said goodbye and turned to the door. She took only two steps before Miranda stopped her.

"This way, Andrea. It's faster," the editor motioned to the door to the younger woman's left, not quite able to hide the amusement in her voice.

"Oh, right! Adjoining rooms..." Andy said sheepishly and crossed the bedroom, under the older woman's watchful eye.

In the bedroom Miranda had decreed would be hers henceforth, Andy raised her eyebrows in surprise. She bet the place was redecorated. She was sure Stephen wouldn't have a picture of a tulip, let alone curtains in salmon with white roses!

Andy pursed her lips thoughtfully.

Was Miranda so sure she would accept her request?

Andy shrugged. In fact, she was relieved not to have to 'see' Stephen everywhere.

The reporter started her exploration of the place. Although she felt a little intimidated by such luxury, she liked what she found. Andy had to get used to that standard of living. After all, it was Miranda Priestly's house. The woman was made of money! Andy just had to be careful not to let it go to her head, not to forget that it was all going to be temporary.

As in Miranda's bedroom, hers had ivory wallpaper with pale, slightly darker geometric stains. There was a king size bed, and facing it, a bookcase with a 40-inch LED HDTV, a Blu-Ray, and a beautiful stereo. All new. On the right wall, there was a door that would likely lead to the closet and bathroom, and two more decorated bookshelves and a writing desk. Andy thought that when her things were there, the room would look more like her.

The young reporter entered through the other door, and as she had imagined, it led to a wide hallway with a large closet built into the left wall, and at the end of the passage was the bathroom. She looked inside the closet. There were only bed linen and towels.

Andy went to the bathroom and gave a huge smile.


She squealed happily as she looked at the tub. She would finally have her dreamed soaks! Next to it, on a shelf, were bottles of salts, bath foam, and everything else she might need.

When she wants to please, Miranda Priestly spares no effort! Andy assumed smiling, looking around. There was a cabinet with a dark marble sink and shiny faucets.

She then looked in the lighted mirror.

Her smile faded. you have any idea what you're doing, Sachs?

Andy sighed and let her shoulders slump in dismay. She searched the cabinet for a toothbrush and toothpaste. Andy grabbed one of the fluffy towels from the closet and headed for the shower. The tub would be for another day. It was late, and she had lost all her enthusiasm.

After taking care of what she had to do before bed, Andy reached for the delicate nightgown she had left on the headboard. She felt its texture, and not controlling herself, she brought it to her nose.

It smelled like Miranda...

How pathetic she was!

Grumpy, Andy unwrapped herself from the towel, tossed it on an armchair beside her, and quickly pulled on the nightgown. Next, she was in the deliciously comfortable bed and under the soft, fragrant comforter.

Andy spent several minutes in the dark staring at the ceiling, unable to relax. She sighed heavily, squirmed and pulled off the nightgown. She hugged it, Miranda's unique scent—a mixture of expensive products and the woman's natural essence—strangely soothing her.

"I'm really pathetic..." Andy muttered and closed her eyes.

Soon, she was sleeping.

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