Chapter 39

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Around lunchtime, Eliza took the Sacks back to the Priestly townhouse, and happily accepted the invitation to join them for the meal. Laurie told Andy and the twins that she was delighted with the home decor stores they visited. Richard, although not connected to the subject, did not deny that the decorative objects were really beautiful, even if they were expensive.

The need for an escort of two bodyguards was an odd addition to the tour, but Eliza and Andy's parents understood the situation, and they preferred their presence to having to deal with the paparazzi's pursuit alone.

Carena cooked a delicious meal, and even the twins, who had been feeling a little nauseous and without appetite lately from the heavier treatment, managed to eat some pasta and dessert. After lunch and some conversation, as soon as they were medicated, the girls finally went to rest.

Even though Andy and Sophie had bought the material for the exercises, they postponed the start of activities until the following week, when the twins would have a break between chemotherapy sessions. Sophie did not want to risk unnecessary stress by starting a new schedule at a time when they were most vulnerable.

Not wanting to be away from the girls, and also wanting to avoid another encounter with the paparazzi, Andy insisted that her parents spend more time with Eliza. As the twins would sleep for hours, and Andy stated that she would write something that afternoon, the two eventually agreed. Laurie was really dying to help assemble the objects that Eliza had bought for the new apartment, and Richard, would take the opportunity to get to know a little more about the neighborhood.

Once Andy had dispatched them and verified that the girls were fine and still resting, she went to her office to get her laptop. She had some ideas for her book and wanted to write them down, before she forgot them.

* * * *

With a mug of cold milk, a pack of Oreos and classical music on her iPod for company, Andy was absently typing, leaning against the head of the bed, when she saw the master bedroom door open.

"Miranda?! What are you doing here at this hour?" She asked in surprise, and certainly louder than she should have, seen the older woman's disapproving look.

Andy grimaced, and, all flustered, immediately pulled the headset out of her ears, at the same time trying to put her laptop aside.

Miranda's immediate response was to just narrow her eyes and purse her lips.

Andy sighed, then mustered up some dignity and used more graceful movements.

Miranda watched the younger woman, her gaze encrusting, one perfect brow arching.

"Bed crumbs, Andrea? Frankly! You can be even worse than our girls."

Andy was embarrassed, and to her mortification, she felt herself flush guiltily, she knew Miranda hated crumbs in the bed. Andy usually wrote in her office, but she was having a little backache, and thought the soft mattress would be more convenient.

The young reporter got up and tried to clean up the mess. Then, she painstakingly straightened the sheets. She looked shyly at Miranda and blinked her long, dark eyelashes exaggeratedly.

The editor snorted and her frown melted. She opened her arms, and soon, saw them filled with Andrea. The two hugged for a long time, basking in the contact, connecting to the scents.

"Now, seriously, what are you doing here? Not that I'm complaining..." Andy wanted to know, as she kissed Miranda's neck.

"Solve one of our problems..." The other woman said after a small appreciative moan.

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