Chapter 35

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After Miranda's words, a significant silence filled the room, everyone staring at the older woman, most of them, with apprehensive faces. Andy, on the other hand, was confused, while Lilly seemed to have been seized by panic.

"I...I don't understand..." Andy finally stammered, in an uncertain voice.

Miranda turned to Andrea, took her hands and looked into her eyes. Her sweet face, rarely seen by others, directed with extreme attention to her young partner.

"You always see the best in people. Although something dangerous, because your heart can be easily hurt by disappointment, it is one of the things that fascinate me most about you: Your ability to love, regardless of how many flaws others may have. Lucky me," Miranda explained with an affectionate smile. "However, because of your lack of malice, sometimes you do not notice certain things. In this case: The fear of losing someone you love."

"But, I-"

"Lilian thinks she missed her chance once, and she is seeing it happen again. But now, her fear is different. It is intense and devastating," Miranda paused and glared at the other woman menacingly. "Because she knows this time it will be for good."

Lily closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she reopened them, they were glowing with fury.

" had no right!" She screamed in a voice choked with suppressed crying and despair.

"Did you have? Do you think it is right that because of your cowardice, you can continue this little game of yours? You did not get between Andrea and Nathaniel, since you knew he never deserved her; that at some point, their relationship would fall apart, and you would be there, with Andrea, ready to help her put the pieces of her heart together. Maybe then, you would finally get your last chance. But, who knew...Their breakup happened, but it was in my arms that she found comfort. You feel it. You know Andrea. You know what we have is not something small, fragile. That is what terrifies you. You know that, unlike that silly boy, I will do anything to keep her with me. That I will not repeat his mistakes," Miranda pointed out in a clipped, effective tone.

She paused, and then sighed.

Suddenly, the older woman looked tired.

"I promised Andrea I would be kind to her friends. But not all my efforts on her behalf could keep me from defending the woman I love, defending our family. I will be ruthless to anyone who threatens them. So, Lilian, as you people say: Get over it. After licking your wounds, and Andrea forgiving you, try to be the friend she loves and needs so much. This person I met definitely does not deserve Andrea's friendship, much less, get close to our children," Miranda spoke at once, without raising her voice. "That's all," she turned away, no longer paying attention to the young woman's presence.

Lily was livid. She gave a rueful sigh and dropped her head, eyes fixed on the floor; the lack of retort, acquiescence in the truth in Miranda Priestly's stern words.

Andy felt lost, so many things running through her mind at once and suffocating her heart. Suddenly, a desperate loathing enveloped her. She did not want to, would not be able to be around Lily, until she could think and take it all in.

As if sensing her state, the girls finally came to her and hugged each side of Andy's body. Miranda let go of her hands, but put her arms around her partner's shoulders, the contact, the loving bond, maintained.

"Can we go home?" Andy asked in a small voice.

"N-no...I'm leaving..." Lily blurted out, and without waiting for an answer, grabbed her bag from the couch, and hurried to the door, still looking at the floor.

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