Part 2

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Azriel's POV -

I just arrived back at my apartment from walking around Velaris with the rest of the court. We were checking up on it's citizens and ensuring the rebuilding plans were going smoothly. I walked through my apartment to the kitchen for a quick snack since we just got drinks at Rita's. I plopped down at the dining table eating and got lost in my thoughts when a rumble of energy went through my apartment. A rumble of energy different than anything I've ever experienced so I stood up abruptly and contacted Rhys.

Did you feel that?

Yeah, what in the Cauldron was that?

I'm not sure but-

My thoughts were interrupted when a portal started opening in my ceiling. I shared my sight with Rhys who shared it with everyone else.

What the-

The portal that was pure darkness now had a purple aura around it and an image was forming in the center. It was a girl in a red dress and giant white wolf next to her. Then they started falling through the portal and landed harshly on my dining table.

We're coming over there now.

Yeah... yeah ok.

I was still stunned as to what happened and didn't register the state the girl was in. The next thing I knew Rhys, Cassian, Amren and Mor were all gathered around the girl and the wolf.

Rhys' POV -

After I stopped projecting Azriel's view to everybody else, we immediately flew to his apartment. Whatever just happened, it couldn't have been good. People don't just fall through portals, let alone wolves.

We all arrived at Azriels apartment to find him standing in the same spot as before, eyes wide, staring at the female and wolf lying unconscious on his table.

"Azriel?" Mor said hesitantly. Azriel shot his eyes to her then back to the female.

"Yeah, just - just come here" he replied, still staring at the female. Mor, Amren, Cassian and I went over to Azriel to see just what exactly he was staring at since they were on the opposite side of the table as him.

When they reached Azriel, they let out a collective gasp. The girl - not female, because she was human. Human. And she was in horrible condition.

"T-that's blood," Mor said as she staggered a step closer. What we all thought was a red dress was actually a white shift soaked in the girls blood. Finally out of his shock, Azriel went over to the girl's legs.

"They're both broken," He whispered, which is probably something we should have realized first but we didn't. Her legs look like they've been deliberately smashed. Rhys said as much before Amren started speaking.

"She has a mask on, an iron mask," again, that was something we probably should have realized. The mask had a beautiful etching on it and there was blood dripping down the girls neck where the mask dug in. In fact there was blood covering pretty much every inch of this girl. She had blood dripping down her legs, neck, arms and especially her torso. Her shift was getting darker and darker with the more blood it was absorbing.

Suddenly the wolf started to stir. Cassian put his hand on the hilt of blade just in case but everyone took a step back. The wolf took a moment to wake up but when it did it looked around, took in the 3 males and 2 females standing before him and then abruptly stood up on the table, looking at the girl. The wolf nudged the girl's back gently with its head before jumping off the table and coming to stand before us. Directly in between us and the girl, almost like it was protecting her from us. It lifted its head and met each of our gazes before landing on mine. It wasn't acting like a normal wolf. Suddenly a bright flash of light filled the room forcing everyone to look away. When it receded and we looked back, there wasn't a wolf standing, no, there was a man.

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