Chapter 32 - Teatime Treat

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Lucy was busy marinating chicken thighs and wings in a large bowl on the kitchen island when Jack woke up. The sun had already set and dusk was falling upon the clear Manchester sky. In the time he had been asleep, Lucy had enjoyed a long soak in the bath with her favourite Fenjal bath oil and had decided to try curling her hair, although the ringlets she had managed to create were already falling out. She had thrown on a bright green jumper dress - probably the most "rascal" colour she owned in her wardrobe. It was practically luminous. 

She looked up from her food prep, across to the lounge area, to see Jack reclined on the sofa rummaging under the blanket she had thrown over him over two hours previously.

"Ah, so he awakes!" Lucy called over to him, taking a sip of tea from her mug. 

Jack yawned loudly before turning his head in her direction.

"Moy god, how long I been asleep for?"

"About two and a half hours," Lucy replied. 

"God me fookin' pants are still off like," mumbled Jack, before smiling smugly to himself as he remembered why his pants were off. "Bab, can ya come over and help me put them back on?"

Lucy raised her eyebrows at him as she lifted her hands from the mixing bowl.

"Any excuse," she said, with a mocking sigh, "let me just wash my hands first."

Lucy helped Jack to his feet to help slide back on his pants and joggers. He was stiff from sleeping on the sofa, the tender muscles around his abdomen particularly sore.

"Feel like I've done a workout," Jack observed, rubbing his hand over the dressings on his stomach. His voice was husky with sleep, making Lucy quiver as she gently kissed him on the neck. "Well, you gave me a workout didn't ya?"

"And it was a particularly enjoyable workout," Lucy whispered into his ear, with a gleeful tone. She took his hand and pulled him in the direction of the kitchen, "and I know you're going to be hungry for dinner soon enough."

"Mmmm what are you cooking?" 

"It's going to be like my version of Nando's...I think..." said Lucy, pulling a stool out for him at the breakfast bar. "Peri peri chicken, some spicy rice and oven chips, and some peas and broccoli. I mean, it's probably going to be way too much but John's coming over isn't he?"

Jack looked at his phone, "yeah he's up for dinner, saves him cooking as he finishes training shortly, so he'll be right round here." He turned sleepily to the bowl of spicy chicken Lucy was marinating. "By the way, looks bangin', can't wait! Bet it's gonna be even better than actual Nando's." He squeezed Lucy's waist playfully, making Lucy squeal.

"Wot, ya ticklish there or summat?" grinned Jack as Lucy gingerly moved back into her original position.

"Very - and you already know that you sod." 

"Nah nah I didn't," teased Jack, threatening to tickle her again with his outstretched hand.

"I'll flick raw chicken juice on you," Lucy threatened, yet unable to resist smiling at him. He looked so adorable slouched on the stool, his hair sticking up everywhere, his chin buried into his hoodie, his eyes mischievous. "Why don't you go and make yourself useful before John comes round? Or at least look slightly awake?"

"Ooooh miss bossy boots here!" Jack winked at Lucy as he gradually stood up from the breakfast bar, placing a warm, firm hand on her bum and making her legs tremble slightly. Damn that man, she thought to herself. "OK, I'll make a cuppa and have a hot bath. Me muscles are killing me man!"

"There are some Epsom salts in the bathroom - they will help."

Jack shuffled off, turning his head in Lucy's direction before he exited the room to smirk at her. Whatever she had done to him earlier - and as she recalled their liaison on the sofa, it was particularly intense - had put him in a very good mood. He almost seemed back to normal, but she knew he was still in the early stages of his recovery and that he had to try to pace himself.

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