Prologue - Welcome to the world

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A man paced back and forth nervously.

He was in a hospital, in the waiting room. Chairs were aligned on the walls, with some paintings and pictures on the walls. A couple of people were scattered along the chairs, but none were as nervous as him.

This man, was going to be a father. A father of a child. He couldn't keep his emotions out. He wanted to jump up in joy. He wanted to run half way across the Earth. He wanted to cry, tears of joy, and tears of fear.

"Mr. L/n." A doctor brought him out of his pacing. "It's done."

He jolted his body over to the doctor, who led him to the room.

There, had his beautiful wife laying in a hospital bed, smiling like there's no tomorrow, and in her hands, was a child. His child.

The babies cries filled the air.

He slowly walked over to the bed, and looked at his wife with a smile. She put her arms out, and the father took the baby.

A beautiful baby, might he add.

He stared down as the tears finally came through.

"What should we name them?" The wife asked.

He thought for a moment, before the perfect name came. "Y/n. Y/n M/n L/n"

The wife smiled. "Sounds perfect."


Two years pass in a instant. You grew up to be a small bundle of joy.

...But your parrents...

Got into fights.


You were sitting down at your chair, playing on your moms tablet that you nick named 'tabby', while shouting was happening.

"You're always using me!" You mother shouted. "I'm the only one making money in this house and you're taking advantage of it!"

"I am making money!" Your father argued back.


"Don't you call me a liar!"

After a couple minutes, the arguing stopped. Your dad went upstairs, while your mom was rubbing her face with her hands, most likely holding back tears.

You stood up, knocking over your little chair, and wobbled over to your mom. "Mommy?" You said.

Your mom half looked at you, before putting her hands down. "Can you come here honey?"

You walked over, before your mom got on the floor and hugged you, silently crying. "Mommy?"

"I... I'm so sorry honey. I-I just..." She trailed off.

She tightened her grip for a second, before letting go. She stood up and walked away. You stood there for a second, before walking back to your tabby.

Gental voices came from the stairs. "-want a divorce." Your mom said.

"W-what? Wait, babe- no- I'm sorry! Please don't!"

"I'm sorry... it's for the best."

She started walking back downstairs.


Months later...

"I'm going to be back soon honey, okay?" Your mom said to you at your front door.

"Okay mommy."

She kissed your forehead. "Just tell Stef if you need anything, okay?"

You nodded.

She stood up straight, and opened the front door, went through it, and closed it.

You turned around. A female, around 5'9 stood there, with bright blue eyes and blonde hair. She wore a pink shirt with shorts.

"Y/n! There you are! Do you wanna go play?"

You smile. "Yeah!"

A year later

Your mom was crying.

After all of that, she couldn't afford to keep the house, or get anything because she lost her job.

She held you hun her arms as she cried.

She was on a empty street, close to dawn. "I- I'm so sorry Y/n... I... I have to... to do this..."

She turned into a alley way.

She found a box, and put you in. "Mommy?" You said confused.

She kissed your forehead. "I love you..." She whispered, before turning around, and running away.

"Mommy!" You called out...

But nobody came.

You stared at the entrance to the alley way, before sitting down, and then laying down.

Tears blurred your vision, before they came out, and you started to cry, hoping your mom would come back...

End of Prologue

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