The Proposal

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Apple Jack was outside in the fall weather, kicking apples off the tree and into baskets lined at the trunk. She kept going, her mane unkept and legs strong ready for the season. She goes to her next tree but stops when she sees the leaves shake. "Uhhh, little buddy, can you get out of this tree? This isn't yours and even though it seems good it's not a safe home." She said taking Fluttershy's advice when it came to dealing with small animals such as Squirrels that may have wanted a small snack or a place to be. She walked closer, "Little buddy? Ahh!"

She yelled as Rainbow Dash fell out of the tree onto her laughing. "'Little buddy'? You're a riot!" Rainbow Dash gasped, "You should've seen the look on your face! Haha!" She laughed getting onto her back.

Apple Jack got herself up, "I should've known it was you! You're always around to mess something up." She said placing her hoof out to help her up. "But why are you here this time? You know I have a lot of work this time of year and it's no time to be slacking."

"Well you know how much I love to help a friend," Rainbow Dash stated.

Apple Jack lifted her eyebrow, "And?"

"And I was thinking that if I were to help you we could then go to the Iron Pony Competition." Rainbow Dash quickly added.

Apple Jack thought of it before looking away, "I don't know about that Dash. Didn't the last time we competed that we ended up getting into a fight?"

"Well, I guess we did. But that won't happen this time. It'll just be a friendly competition." Rainbow Dash replied as she lifted herself off the ground.

"Well Dash I could use some help but I don't think I want to participate this year." Apple Jack said to Rainbow Dash trying to reject the offer.

"What? Well that's okay, it means you'll have more time to root for me." Rainbow Dash said before sticking out her tongue smiling.

Apple Jack took off her hat and looked up at Rainbow Dash as she scratched her head. "No, Dashie I mean, I don't want to go at all. I have a lot to do and even with that Granny Smith has someone coming over later. Someone I, and Big Mac, haven't seen in a long time." She said to Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, well why don't I help you? If you need to make a good impression and if it's for an old friend I don't have a problem with helping you make the farm look good." Rainbow Dash said to Apple Jack, smiling at her as she got back on the ground..

"I would appreciate that Dashie." Apple Jack said to her before going and kicking down the tree.

Later that day the family welcomed the arrival of Buck, an old friend of Apple Jack and Big Mac. Apple Jack went to approach him with his mother and gave them both a greeting with a hug. "It's been so long since I saw y'all." She said to the two smiling.

"It's been so long, I remember when you were just a small foal." Buck's mother said, patting Apple Jack's head. "And who's your friend here?" She asked.

"That's Rainbow Dash, the fastest pony in all the land. She actually helped me prepare for your arrival." Apple Jack responded by walking Rainbow Dash up. Rainbow Dash blushing due to the complimentary introduction.

"It's good to meet you." Rainbow Dash said to them.

"Granny Smith is making y'all something to eat and I'll give you both a tour." Apple Jack said to them walking them around the farm. Giving them the full tour laughing and enjoying the day. Progressively Rainbow Dash feeling more and more left out. From the talk of early life, to the country slang a bit too country for her to understand, to the games that they used to play that were only two players. By the end of the day Rainbow Dash was just sitting at the end of the table looking down while Apple Jack and Buck were laughing at the other end as they talked.

What are they laughing about? They've been laughing all day, what could be so funny? If they had so many good times together why would Apple Jack never mention them to her. In fact, why would I be here if it's just those two talking. Rainbow Dash was thinking as she slowly muted them out for the rest of the meal.

Later that night Granny Smith went to Apple Jacks room and walked in. "Apple Jack, May I talk to you?"

"Of course Granny, what is it about?" Apple Jack asked, sitting up and smiling.

"Well Buck is thinking of proposing to you." Granny Smith revealed.

Apple Jack's jaw dropped, "What?"

"I know happy news, happy news. I always knew you both would someday be a pretty couple. But I want to know if you are ready for something like this. It has been so long but you both have always been able to place a smile on each other's face." Granny Smith said to Apple Jack.

Apple Jack was about to reject the offer but couldn't bring herself due to the pure joy of Granny Smith hearing the news. "That is some news but I would like to be able to think of it."

"He's planning to do it at tomorrow's dinner. Oh I'm sure you'll be alright. I raised you as a young foal and you grew into a beautiful, strong, and independent pony." Granny Smith said, brushing her hair out of her face. "No matter what decision you make I'm sure it'll be the right one."

"Thank you Granny." Apple Jack said, hugging her.

"Wait what!" Rainbow Dash said, flying into the room.

"Rainbow Dash quiet down," Apple Jack said, covering Rainbow Dash's mouth. "Don't tell anyone." She said to her.

Rainbow Dash nodded, "I just can't believe it. You aren't going to accept it right?" She asked, whispering quietly.

"I don't know yet." Apple Jack responded before realizing. "Were you listening to our conversation from downstairs?" She asked.

"... That doesn't matter, why are you considering it?" Rainbow Dash asked. "You only knew this Pony for a day. You don't know what he's like."

"It's been my Granny's dream to see me get married and start a family, especially after my folks died. It would be tradition to accept it." Apple Jack admitted.

"Forget that tradition. You don't need to accept it, I'm sure you'll find someone to marry right in front of you." Apple Jack responded.

Apple Jack looked down, "Maybe you're right. But I would like to think of it. Would you both get out and go to bed please?" She asked.

"Of course," Granny Smith said as she helped Rainbow Dash out of the room.

The next day around Dinner time the family ate, awaiting the moment Buck would drop the question. Both Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash were looking down, unsure how they were feeling at the current situation. Buck's mother tapped a glass with a spoon she held in her mouth. "Ponies, my son decided to make an announcement at the table tonight."

Buck got down and held out the ring giving a long lengthy proposal to Apple Jack.

"I'm sorry Buck, but I can't accept your proposal. It's as Rainbow Dash said, I haven't seen you in such a long time and I don't know how you grew and developed as a pony. I don't think I know you as well as I used to and though it's been fun I don't carry those feelings for you. In fact, I have my heart set on someone else. She's always there when I need her and she's always there to lend a hand." Apple Jack said blushing, looking over at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash immediately perked up blushing back.

"And though we may always get into fights, I know we will be okay when we work through it. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I don't think I felt this way about any other Pony." Apple Jack looked away. "Rarity is very special to me." "What!" Rainbow Dash said turning to stone and freezing up.F

Fall from the Apple Tree ((Apple Jack X Rainbow Dash))Where stories live. Discover now