Peter Parker

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~~~~~~after endgame everyone's alive except May (peters aunt) so he's living with the avengers in the tower~~~~~~

Field trip

"Dude wake up, were here" said Ned waking up a tired Peter.


"Dude how tired are you?, were at avengers tower for our field trip remember?"

"Oh yeah, I don't understand why I have to be here, I mean I live here"

"Scared your gonna get found out as a liar parker?" said Flash throwing a ball of paper at my head. I was too tired to react and dodge it.

"Flash! Enough or your staying on the bus" " Alright everyone best behaviour, off the bus quickly and quietly, Flash wait until the end"

The teacher had a word with Flash before he allowed him off the bus. There was a tour guide waiting outside.

"Midtown high decathlon team?" she asked

"Yes that's us" said Mr Brown

"Welcome to Avengers tower, as per Mr Starks instruction you will be given a tour of the most exciting places in the tower and along the way you might even get to see and Avenger or two. Mr Stark will also be making an appearance at some point today. Everyone please stay together, there is some rather dangerous equipment in this tower so don't go wandering off"

She hands out Id cards to everyone except me and Ned as we have our own.

"These will allow us to keep track of all of you, they will be deactivated after you leave the building so you may keep them when you leave"

Everyone has to scan their Id cards to get into the building. Then it came to me and Ned.

"Peter Stark Alpha Level 10........ Ned Leeds Alpha Level 9"

Everyone stood there looking at us confused.

"What? Got a problem?" I asked.

Everyone looked away.

"Dude why so snippy?" asked Ned

"Like I said I didn't want to come on this field trip, I just don't want people snooping around my home that all"

" And when you say people you mean Flash right?"

"Well yeah, he's a dick"

"Mr Parker, Mr Leeds you do know this is a 'class trip' hurry up"

Ned and I walked into the elevator with everyone else, the elevator music made it a little awkward.

"Level 82 training level" said Jarvis

Everyone walked out and was guided to the observation room to watch Black widow and Hawkeye sparing.

"Okay everyone this is the observation room and if you look down there you will see Black Widow and Hawkeye about to spar"

Everyone looked out the window with awe Nat and Clint were sparing and it looked like Nat was winning ( obviously ). Everyone was cheering them on. When Nat won everyone was clapping and cheering. She took a bow and helped Hawkeye up.

"Okay everyone this way back to the elevator" "Level 84 please Jarvis"

"Level 84 private Labs

"Okay everyone on this floor is the personal Labs of Mr Stark, Dr Banner and one other person I am not at liberty to tell you, any way follow me"

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