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"Avengers meet your new teammate" said Fury who walked into the conference room with a twenty something blonde girl.

"We don't need a new teammate Fury, especially someone we don't know" said Clint

"Then its a good thing I'm not giving you a choice Barton"

"Does she have any skills?" asked Nat

"She has a name and she is standing right here so don't talk about me like I'm not here" said the girl standing their in her red, white and black flannel shirt, black skinny ripped jeans and black converse shoes.

"Sorry kid, what's your name?" asked Steve

"Reyna and I am not a child I'm 22"

"Nice to meet you Reyna" said Bruce who held out his hand. Reyna hesitated before shaking it.

"Can we leave now? I have things to do" said Tony

"Yes go" said Fury

The team stood up and left the room while Reyna followed.

The team arrived at the tower and Bruce was being surprisingly nice to Reyna, he took her on a tour and then told her everything she needed to know about Jarvis, the team and about being an Avenger.

Reyna was in her room looking out the windows at the city of New York when there was a knock at the door. Reyna opened the door and the women from the conference room was standing there.

"Hi I'm Natasha, these are for you, meet in the training room in ten minutes" she said handing Reyna some work out clothes.


Nat left and Reyna changed into the work out clothes and started her journey to the training room. When she arrived the lights were off and the room seemed empty, that was until Reyna got thrown into a wall, she climbed out and the lights came on, the room was changing. Parts of it were coming in and out of the wall.

"Make it to the other side alive" said a familiar voice from the ceiling.

Reyna jumped into the moving parts of the room and carefully but expertly made her way to the other side, she didn't get hit once.

When Reyna landed on the other side the parts of the room stopped and receded back into the walls of the room, Reyna looked up and saw the team standing there, she noticed Tony was clapping.

"Nicely done kid"

"Where did you learn to move like that?" asked Clint


"So is that all you bring to the table or..." said Steve when he was interrupted by a loud explosion.

'Intruders' said Jarvis

"Avengers Assemble" said Steve who ran out of the room, the team following.

The team ran into the lounge and saw many armed assailants, they readied themselves for a fight. The team, minus Reyna, ran towards them and began to fight off the intruders.

Reyna stood and watched for a second before running in to help, she punched and kicked many of the bad guys, knocking them out but they just kept coming. Reyna knew they would overpower the team if she didn't even the playing field.

"Sirenix!" shouted Reyna as a bubble of fiery magic surrounded her.

Seconds later the bubble dispersed and Reyna had transformed into her Fairy form. (Picture above)

"Holy..." said Clint

Reyna flew up into the air and used her magic to push the intruders into the wall which knocked them unconscious.

"No, that's not all I bring to the table" she said landing in front of the team and turning around to face them.

"Damm that was cool" said Tony

The team flinched when they heard Hulk roar at the helicopter that was hovering above the tower. They watched as he jumped up from the helipad and into the helicopter. As Hulk was falling down to earth Reyna flew down after him and encased him in a magic bubble, She flew back up to the Helipad and placed him down.

Hulk walked up to Reyna and roared in her face but Reyna didn't move a muscle, he wasn't the first beast to try and scare her.

"Are you done?" she asked

Hulk tilted his head and his eyes widened.

"Are you okay?" she asked

Hulk nodded, he had never met a single person who was not scared of him in some way. Hulk held out his hand as Reyna put her hand on top of his, she watched as he slowly turned back into Bruce and collapsed, Reyna held him up as he fell.

"How did you...?" he asked

"Not much scares me and besides I'm new, Hulk was just trying to scare me"

"You are something Reyna" said Bruce

"You're damm right" said Tony who had walked up tot the pair with the rest of the team.

Avengers One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now