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Tony was sitting in the lab when a loud explosion took out one of his walls and several of his cars. The team heard the explosion and made their way to the lab but when they arrived they saw a man they all knew too well, Ulysses Klaue. Tony  walked up to him and put up one hell of a fight, the team couldn't open the door and they saw that the door at the top of the stairs was closed too, so they had to watch as Tony got his ass handed to him.

Tony was lifted up when Klaue grabbed his neck and lifted Tony into the air and threw him into the glass right in front of the team, but the kicker was it was reinforced glass, it would take an atomic bomb to break it. Klaue grabbed Tony's hair and dragged him across the floor, Tony tired to struggle but the impact with the glass gave him a concussion and his vision was kind of blurry. 

Klaue lay him on the ground and took out a knife, he cut Tony's shirt and put his knife away, Tony's bare chest was shown.

"Very nice, a nice 20g of Vibranium, I have to thank you Stark"

"TONY!" shouted Natasha from the other side of the door

Klaue grabbed the arc reactor inside Tony's chest and pulled it out, Tony screamed in pain. Klaue and his men left, the team were still unable to enter the lab and Tony was lying on the ground slowly dying when Pepper walked into the lab from the hole in the wall and saw Tony.

"TONY?!" she shouted running over to him

"The gift, get it"

"Where is it?"


Pepper looked up and saw the old arc reactor she had given Tony as a gift, she ran over and took it off the shelf and took it over to Tony, she helped him up and took the reactor out of the case.

"What do I do?"

Tony took Pepper's hand and said "Same thing you did before, attach it at the base"

"Tony I..."

"Pepper, I'm dying here I need you to have a little faith in yourself right now, okay?"

Pepper looked in the hole and saw the base, she took the connection and put her hand in the hole, she connected it and Tony exclaimed when she put it in.

Tony put the reactor in its place and then put on one of his suits and flew out the hole after Klaue. Pepper walked over to the door and let the team in.

"He's going after the reactor"

"Why? he can make a new one" asked Steve

"It has Vibranium in it and the one that's in now will start killing him the more he uses it, Plutonium poisoning " said Natasha 

"Exactly" said Pepper

About an hour later Tony came back with Klaue and his reactor in hand, he handed Klaue over to shield and went down to his lab where he saw the team cleaning up.

"Tony you alright?" asked Clint

"Peachy" he said holding up his Vibranium reactor "Where's Pepper?"

"She had to go into the office"

"Oh, well then Nat show me your hands"

Nat held up her hands and Tony smiled. 

"Great come here, I need your help"

Tony took his shirt off and sat in his desk chair, he saw that the plutonium was already starting to poison him.


"I know, here" He said handing the Vibranium reactor to Natasha

"You want me to do it?"

"Your the only one here with hands small enough"

"Tony I..."

"Its easy, besides I'll walk you through it"

Tony took the Plutonium reactor out of its base and held it above the hole.

"Okay reach in and gently pull it out of the base...gently"

Nat reached in and felt the base.

"That's the base you feel it?"


"Okay pull out the connection, carefully, don't let it touch the side walls when you pull it up or you'll practically be electrocuting me"

"Seriously?" Asked Clint

"Stop talking your putting her off" said Tony who saw that the others were watching the spy with her hand inside the billionaire's chest.

Natasha pulled out the connection and pulled it out of the hole without letting it touch the walls.

"See easy, now you just do the opposite with that one"

Nat took the connection and put it in the hole but she hit the side.



Tony sighed "Just don't do that again"

Nat felt for the hole and put the connection in and made sure it was in place and she removed her hands.

"JARVIS we good?" asked Tony to the AI

'Connection stable sir'

Tony put the reactor in its place and secured it in place. The team watched at the poison retracted back and Tony felt way better.

"WOW, that feels good, thanks Nat"

"Just never ask me to do that again"

"You got it" chuckled Tony

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