Von Liechtenstein

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It was Sunday and it was pouring. Lovino lay on his bed, listening to the rain pound on his window. He could faintly hear church bells ringing in the distance. It was like a sad lament to the depression Lovino suddenly found himself in. Grandpa Roma was worried, but innocent Feliciano didn't seem to notice. He never did.

Lovino couldn't help but still feel that nagging pain. It had already been two weeks. In those two weeks he managed to avoid the entirety of the Bad-Touch Trio as the week progressed. He now sat with Roderich, Mathew, and Arthur during lunch. There was this other kid, Yao Wang, who never really spoke. He always got flustered and said aru. Lovino didn't mind. He'd prefer to brood in silence anyways.

Despite Lovino's demands, Feliciano still sat with and spoke to the group they had met the first day of class. Lovino was the only one that changed. Occasionally, he found himself staring at the odd mix of kids. Occasionally he thought he caught Antonio's wandering eye. This always led to a fit of coughing and a flustered reaction.

Now that the second week of avoidance had come to an end, Lovino had to mentally prepare himself for the third week. But it was Sunday. He needed to relax. He needed to play guitar. The instrument felt so familiar under the Italian's loving hand. He plucked out a few chords, reveling in the acoustic sound. Why did he always find himself like this, alone in his bedroom with his guitar?

Lovino paused for a moment, looking out at the rain-battered streets. He could easily find a dry spot in the gazebo at the park. Some place where he could think without Grandpa's worried gaze. Lovino grabbed his travel guitar case and placed the acoustic inside. He then threw on a pair of shoes and a hoodie. On his way out the door, Lovino snatched up an umbrella and set off into the drumming rain.

The trip to the park was a fast one. No one was on the streets to get in his way. Not in this rain. Lovino hummed to himself as he walked. The gazebo was no in eyesight. He quickly jogged the last hundred or so feet and plopped down on the wooden floor. The smell of rain was fantastic around him. He slowly pulled out the acoustic, smiling softly to himself.

Lovino played something he was familiar with: Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls. It had to be something that described him well. He sang the words softly. He stared slowly, his words quiet, but as the song progressed he found himself getting a bit more forceful. "And I don't want the world to see me cause I don't think that they'd understand. When everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am."

"Why?" a soft girlish voice asked.

Lovino suddenly looked up too see a blonde girl. She held a big black umbrella. Her feet were bare and her jeans were rolled up to her knees. The purple bow in her hair sagged slightly from the rain that had managed to hit it. The girl could be no older than fourteen. She looked at Lovino with big green eyes.

"Why?" she repeated again, her voice softly.

"Why what?" he asked.

"Why don't you want them to see you?" she asked.

"It's just the lyrics to the song, kid."

"No, it's not. They mean something more to you, don't they?" she asked, stepping a little closer. He could see her small body visibly shaking and he gestured for her to sit beside him.

"Yeah, they do..." he mumbled, pulling his hoodie from his body. He draped it over the little girl's shoulders. "What's your name, kid?"

"Lily," she said softly, pulling the hoodie tightly around herself. "Who are you?"

"I'm Lovino," he said softly, setting down his guitar beside him. "What are you doing out in this rain? You're hardly dressed for it."

"I like to play in it. Big brother didn't want to come, though," she stated. "What are you doing out here?"

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