Lost Tomatoes in the Closet

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It was early when Lovino got dragged out of bed on New Year's Eve morning.  He was disoriented and confused, groggy and cold. Who had gotten him out of bed? The warm hand around his wrist couldn't have belonged to Feliciano. He knew better than to wake Lovino up before... He glanced at the clock. It was only 6 a.m. Why the hell had someone woken him up? Lovino blearily rubbed his eyes, taking a look through the darkness. He saw a familiar mop of dark curls...

            Oh, hell... It was Antonio that was dragging him towards his closet.

Lovino let out a shriek of surprise, reaching back to grab his blanket. He snatched it up and wrapped it around himself before berating the Spaniard with a slew of curses.

            "The fuck are you doing waking me up before nine, you damn bastard?"

            Antonio only giggled. He had already become used to Lovino's cursing. "We're spending the day together, and I thought it would be best to get a head start!"

            "Bastard, I've told you not to come in my room when I'm sleeping!"

            Antonio put on a false pout. "But Lovi, you look so cute sleeping in your underwear!"

            Lovino's cheeks flushed a deep red as he pulled the blanket tighter around himself. This wasn't the first time he woke up to find the Spaniard gazing at his sleeping form. Lovino really needed to learn how to lock his bedroom door... And he had to get the spare key away from Feliciano.

            Antonio ushered a now fully awake Lovino into the bathroom. The tile floor was like ice under his feet. He already missed the warmth of his bed. Lovino wrapped his blanket a little tighter around himself, a large yawn escaping his lips. Antonio took the liberty of starting the shower for him while he stood there, an image of sleepiness surrounding him. Lovino hardly gave thought to the matter. Antonio was strange, Lovino had come to realize, and there was no use getting flustered over these things while they were alone. Around anyone else, on the other hand, he'd been burning with embarrassment.

            Lovino didn't notice the showerhead running. He was too entranced by his thoughts, by the crazy, beautiful Spaniard that was undressing in front of him.

            Oh, God! Antonio was undressing in front of him. The panic immediately set it. What could Antonio possibly want?

            "Lovino, hurry up and get undressed. If you keep making that face though, I'll have to do it for you," he said with a wink.

Lovino sucked in a breath, the beat of his heart quickening. He didn't have any words to berate Antonio with. He was too stunned. And Antonio was looking right at him with a mischievous grin. He was already nude in front of Lovino. Oh, God, he could feel the warmth spiraling downward just below his waist.  He was sure Antonio could see it, too for he had stepped closer, pressing his hips against Lovino's.

            "I said I would, and I will..." Antonio whispered, his breath hot on Lovino's ear. The Spaniard's thumbs slipped under the waistband of Lovino's boxers, tugging them downward with a gentle force. The Italian yelped in surprise, his cheeks flushing a deep crimson. The Spaniard pressed closer, his lips finding Lovino's immediately. Lovino himself felt woozy. So many of his emotions were crazing over him. He didn't know whether or not he should feel embarrassed or aroused. Antonio broke the kiss and spoke, his voice no higher than a whisper. "Be quiet, Lovi. We don't want to wake Feliciano or your Grandpa."

            Lovino could only nod at the words. He was right. If Grandpa caught them now, they'd both be grounded. Grandpa wasn't afraid to ground Antonio. He would in a moment's chance if necessary.
            Lovino felt the fabric of his boxers shifting downward again, and it took his all not to shout in surprise and protest. His arms had somehow found themselves around Antonio's neck. Their waists were so close together with only a thin layer of cotton fabric to protect them. Lovino wasn't sure how to react, but he felt sort of... right in Antonio's arms like this. Their breaths mingled together in an intense, heated moment when Lovino and Antonio drew together for another kiss. After that, everything got fuzzy. Lovino didn't notice when his boxers had disappeared or when the two of them had gotten into the shower. It only occurred to them when Antonio stood behind Lovino. His arms were wrapped around the Italian's waist, his hand resting just above his waist. His chin lay on the smaller boy's shoulder.

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