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That's what the final box Lovino had to label said. He was moving. They all were. Ludwig and Feliciano had gotten an apartment a few states away. Lovino and Antonio were following. They'd be within walking distance of each other. But they'd be far from here... Lovino took up a roll of packing tape and sealed the box shut. He'd been doing it all night, packing away the things that marked his childhood, his past. He couldn't sleep. Not in this house filled with sorrow. He just had to finish boxing it up. He had thrown away a lot, but he managed to keep a lot, too. His guitar. Grandpa's war medals and guns. His old uniform. They were already packed away into the back of his pickup truck. This was the last one he had to carry out, the last one in this old house. All that remained were the walls and a mattress on the floor in the bedroom where they had been sleeping. Lovino had attempted sleep, at least.

Lovino stood and took the box into his arms. They'd been packing for the last week or so, trying to get all of their things cleared away. They had already emptied Antonio's apartment and the former Italian mafia headquarters. With the dissolution of the Russian's reign, the Italian mafia had disbanded. The compound had been cleared out on Francis' command. He, too, was leaving with Matthew. Everyone was. Gilbert and Roderich, Vash, Lily, and Elizaveta, Alfred and Arthur. They were falling away from this life to start something better. Lovino wanted it, too. That's why he was leaving this placed. He needed something better, something normal. He felt that in his home with Antonio he'd have just that.

Lovino walked with his box out the open front doo. His truck sat out front in the still, hazy morning. And so did someone else, smoking a cigarette. That someone looked familiar. He was familiar. Antonio. The Spaniard snubbed out whatever was left of his cigarette on the sidewalk and walked over to Lovino. He took the box and smiled a weary smile.

"You couldn't sleep either?" Lovino asked quietly.

"Not without you there..." Antonio replied.

"I'm sorry. It's just this house..." Lovino turned to look at the building behind him.

It was Grandpa's old house, the house where he had spent his childhood. He had so many memories there. He had been assaulted by the Bad Touch Trio when they wanted to go to a gay bar. He had a wonderful kiss in the kitchen. There was an interesting game of cards in the livingroom. He had watched Grandpa, one of the strongest and bravest men he knew, die at the dining room table. There was a lot of happiness and sorrow, but it was time to go, time to move on. Grandpa wouldn't have wanted to see Lovino stuck in this dusty house, stuck in his past. He would have wanted him to move on, to be happy. With Antonio, wherever he went would be.

He just couldn't tell the bastard that...

Lovino watched Antonio place the last box in the back of his truck before they both went inside to grab the mattress. They lugged the thing outside and placed it in the moving truck that was parked in front of his own truck. Everything was packed now. Nothing remained. Only the dust and the walls and the windows, ceilings, and floors. Did Lovino regret leaving it behind? Not one bit.

There were so many options for Lovino out there. With his skill set and with his ability to learn, he'd find something. There was only one person he wanted to spend those years with. Only one person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. With so many changes coming at once, Lovino needed someone as his anchor. He was glad to have Antonio.

The sun was starting to rise as the pair got into Lovino's truck. Antonio took the driver's seat. Lovino was content taking the spot beside him. It gave him more time to study that wonderful man's features, to drink in everything that was him. The sun was rising high in the sky, and they were driving away, driving away to new experiences. Finally, after years of many lovely wounds, they were moving on, and the sun was there to greet them.

The end.

((Okay guys, it's been two long years. I think. I honestly can't remember when I started this. I've had a lot of time to think about the ending, and that is why I haven't really updated until now. I hope you liked 'the Lovely Wounds'. Give me your feedback. Thank you so much for reading this. I could totally do more, but I think it's time to put this story to a close. I'm going to write more SpaMano. Read my fic 'The Conquistador'. It's pirate based SpaMano. In the meantime, I'll think about writing another modern AU for SpaMano. Thank you again. Gravey out.))

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