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Greetings, I am the author. I am here to explain how this will work.

Hopefully nobody other than who I made this for will know this exists, but strangers are still welcome. If you are a random reader, please read this page.



This is an x reader book.

I am willing to take requests, as long as you give a somewhat detailed description of what you want and what format you want it in (oneshot, scenarios, imagine, etc.)

I will not write anything inappropriate or suggestive as he is a minor and that stuff makes me uncomfortable.

I will not write anything super cringey.

Please give me details about his personality I barely know anything about him.

DM your requests to me and I'll try to respond as soon as possible.


There is no schedule.
Stories shall come when I have time and inspiration :)
And when I can actually figure out how to write lol


If you have any criticism or issues with my stories, please explain them to me without being unkind. I'll fix any problems so there's no need to be rude in any way.

I don't care about hate towards me or my stories, but hate towards Ni-Ki or other readers will be removed.

Suggestions are welcome since I have no idea what I'm doing.


That is all. I hope you enjoy and once again, I'm sorry. I never thought I'd end up writing kpop fanfic smh the things you do for friendship.

Regret ᕕ( ᐛ ) ᕗ - (Ni-Ki oneshots, I'm sorry)Where stories live. Discover now