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A/N lol luv u girlie ;)

You look up at the slate gray sky and smile, perfect weather for the beach. Perfect, because most people like sunny days at the beach, so most people won't be there when it's cloudy. Perfect. No screaming children, no obnoxious guys, no annoying girls ogling said guys. Just the way you like it.

Work has been stressful lately, annoying customers seem to love taking their anger out on retail workers. Especially you. Today is the first day of your vacation, and you aren't going to let anyone ruin it.

You had always enjoyed walking along the beach alone, it was a way for you to clear your mind and de-stress. No people. Just you, your thoughts, the warm breeze, that hot guy over there, the sound of the waves.... Wait

Further down the beach you see a boy, close to your age, staring out to sea. This is weird, because nobody other than you comes to the beach when it's cloudy.
And it's even weirder because none of the guys in your town are even remotely good looking. This guy is really far away but you don't need to be close to him to see that he's the most attractive human you have ever encountered.

You stop walking and stare, all of the sudden your brain stops functioning and the only thing you're capable of doing in this moment is looking at this guy. Well, they say people can feel stares, and he does, and he sees you. For a moment, it seems like this is love at first sight.

Then he starts sprinting towards you.

Naturally you freak out because you don't know if he's going to sell your organs and you really wouldn't like to find out.

You get ready to get the frick outta there when he turns and.....runs into....the sea?????


Just like that, he disappears into the dark waters. "Ok, what the heck was that?" You walk over to where he vanished and see no trace of anyone or anything.

There were lots of old sailors in your town, and they loved to tell stories. Namely ghost stories. You never believed them before, but now you were starting to wonder.

You decided to ask one of the sailors who practically raised you if there was a ghost story involving a really hot guy. Captain Darius Morgan lived right by the beach, so you started making your way to his house.
(A/N yes I had to include him lol)

"Sorry kiddo, I don't recall any ghost stories including a young man at all, let alone a 'really really hot' one." "Are you completely sure, Mr. Morgan?" He sighs. "Do you feel the need to waste my time over something so stupid?"
You look down.
"I'm sorry, sir. I was just really curious about this. It's not every day you see a boy straight out of every wattpad author's dreams run off into the ocean and disappear."

You start walking towards the door when he stops you.
"Hold on now, I never said I didn't have any stories for you." "But you said-" "I said," he interrupts, "there are no ghost stories involving a young man." "But what other explanation is there?"

"MERMAIDS ARE REAL?!?!?" You exclaim. He winces and brings his hands to cover his ears.
"Yes, child. Now keep it down, you're gonna make me lose my hearing." "Sorry, sir. It's just so shocking, something that I've always brushed off as a myth turning out to be real, and the fact that I saw one with my own eyes... Sir, do you have any stories about Merfolk encounters?" "Well..."

"When I was a young man," you scoot your chair closer and prop your head on your hands, paying close attention, "I went out fishing. Just me. It was pretty normal for most of the trip, until the final night." "What happened???" "I'm gettin' there, calm down."

Regret ᕕ( ᐛ ) ᕗ - (Ni-Ki oneshots, I'm sorry)Where stories live. Discover now