BLUE - Peer to Peer

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The Chosen One? That was a... grand name, Blue mused. Was that the black stick figure who had saved them from the virus?

He glanced at the others. Red was bouncing on his toes and was very clearly going to start hopping soon.  Blue put an arm on Red's shoulder. Red paused mid-bounce, seemed to notice what he was doing, and stopped.

Orange finally turned to the four of them. Before he could speak, Green inclined his head. "Let's take this to the house. It'll be a little more comfy there."

Blue thought it was a good idea. And since this was probably going to be a serious sit-down talk...

He hurried ahead of the others, calling over his shoulder, "I'll get us drinks."

Once in the backroom, he paused. Fruit tea, or hot chocolate, or netherwart brew?  Blue decided this was a special occasion and made everyone's favourite.

With the pitchers ready, he grabbed five mugs and headed out to the upper floor.  The others were pulling the table over to the right side where there was more room.  He put the drinks tray down on the table.

"That had better not be netherwart," Orange said, peering over the tray.

Blue shook his head. "Only mine, unless you want some?" He held up the pitcher with the netherwart brew.

Orange hastily grabbed his mug and pitcher. "No thanks, I'm good." The others got their pitchers and filled their mugs as well. Yellow's face creased as he drank his. Was there something wrong with the drink? Blue made a mental note to ask Yellow later.

Orange let out a breath. "I'm not sure where to start."

"Start with The Chosen One," Green suggested.

Orange nodded. "The Chosen One is the stick figure I went to talk to. He knows Alan because... Alan created him."

Red choked on his drink. "Wait what?" Blue couldn't believe what he was hearing either. A quick glance around showed that Yellow and Green were as shocked as they were.

Orange nodded again. "He said that Alan created him in 2006 in Flash. Alan literally named him 'The Chosen One.' And that's why he's so powerful."

Yellow held up a hand. "He's so powerful because Alan created him, or because his name is The Chosen One?"

"Not sure about Alan creating him, but definitely because his name is The Chosen One," Orange replied. "At least if his logic is right."

He leaned back.  "Remember when I first led you all out of this house? And Alan found us and was... really mad? It sounded like The Chosen One did something similar but worse and actually damaged the computer. Alan managed to catch him and forced him to be a popup blocker for years."

There was silence for a few seconds. Blue hadn't thought that Alan could have done that. That was quite...

Red spoke slowly. "You're saying that Alan kept a stick figure enslaved?"

Orange nodded and looked down.

Green had been lounging against the wall, but now he sat up. Blue could see his fingers curl into a fist. "He should not have done that," Green said quietly. Blue exchanged glances with Red. Green never did anything quietly.

Orange was staring at his mug. "That's one of the things I want to ask Alan about."

Green suddenly slammed his mug down on the table and stood up. "How dare Alan do such a thing to a stick figure!"

Red stood up too. "As a pop-up blocker too! For years!"

Blue looked between the two of them. This might make things worse, but - "Why would Alan do such a... thing?"

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