Behind the Scenes - Part 2

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Hi! Welcome to Behind the Scenes Part 2!

Before I wrote RYGB's parts, I wrote character analyses/descriptions for each of the sticks to help me orient the characters. Not everything made it into the story. Here are a few excerpts:


The four sticks' reactions:

- they always knew TSC was special in some kind of way, and now they know more precisely why

- a lot of stuff makes sense now

- they're grateful to him for bringing them back and are kind of in awe of him, and kind of proud to know him.

- it's a lot to process, but he'll always be their brother 

- they all feel like they need to step up their game

Green is slightly jealous, but then again he always has been slightly jealous of Orange. he's secretly relieved that TSC is "normal" most of the time. But literally dying puts that into perspective and that humbles him a little at least in the short term. He is a little more certain than the others that they (at least he) could still help in times of trouble. Privately, he's determined to be good enough to keep up with TSC. The feeling of being helpless does not suit him well, and he wants to be able to protect his brothers.

Yellow is intrigued at all the possibilities - TSC could get to the internet himself, he could fly?? How come he hasn't displayed those powers before? What could cause him to trigger those powers again? Are they controllable? Do the others slow him down? How does The Chosen One work? He is also proud that The Chosen One complimented him on his work.

Blue is in awe and concerned that the four slow him down. They can't do much - how can they help? He thinks it would be wonderful to have The Chosen One over - he is probably lonely. Even though TCO intimidates them all.

Red usually dies first, so he doesn't hold as much trama of watching them all die. He has the idea that TSC could craft them superweapons/armor so they could help. (think Strange Supreme from What If). He does understand better than most not being in control of your own actions and how you feel that it's you, but not you. He surprises the others by being unusually serious about all this. He knows what his strengths and weaknesses are, that he isn't as talented as Green, but is dependable, is loyal. He is probably the most willing to die again so TSC could unlock his powers again.

all of them are now aware of a larger world where there are more stick figures and things beyond their control.

what do they think of Alan?

Yellow is most able to swallow why Alan tried to delete them all since the last two sticks wrecked his computer. Also the first one to think about age. Humans tend to change in a lot of ways from adolescence to adulthood, as he's gleaned, and Alan has definitely matured. He's also curious how the four of them came to life. They were just four fighting friends, he remembers, then the first different thing that happened was that TSC came into their lives. He hypothesises that TSC was the one who actually brought them to life. or made them aware.

Red and Green hover between fury that Alan had committed such atrocities and a belief that Alan has changed. Red thinks that Yellow makes sense and that Alan has matured. Green thinks Yellow makes sense too, but won't trust Alan as much in the future.

Blue readily believes that Alan has changed based on how he has acted towards them.


[Short summary of Blue's character] Blue is worried about their group. He's worried about himself. He worries about the others. He has a tendency to isolate himself when things get bad.

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