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Being in a relationship is not as simple as how it sounds to be easy. Being there for your partner whenever they need you is the most difficult task to be accomplished. In the same way Kim Taehyung and Kim Jisoo are in relationship. They love each other very much. Their relationship is only known to their friends. They are not yet ready to reveal their love to their parents. Both are not sure if their parents will accept their love. Because of the differences that they have, which may ruin their togetherness.

Kim Taehyung, who is born with silver spoon, is pampered very much at his home by his parents. Studying business in one of the top most university 'College of Business Management' in Seoul. He gets whatever he wants. But he did not wanted any of the material things, he just wanted a happy and normal life just like a normal person.

Kim Jisoo, born to a middle class family who aspires to become a top most influential business person. Her parents too love her very much. Even though they are middle class family, Jisoo's father did not wanted her talent to go in vein. Since she was their only child, her parents worked hard day and night and sent her to the top business university 'College of Business Management' in Seoul.

Taehyung and Jisoo was in same class, being the bright students every staff and teachers knew them. First year in college ended with them being best friends. Second year their bond grew more. Their friends already knew that something big was coming for them, that is being in a relationship. All their friends tease them like anything, but they found it hard to realize that they are madly in love with each. With their third year coming to end, their friends were disheartened because they thought that atleast this year they would become a couple. But to their surprise that did not happen.

So their friends had to play cupid. All of them planned on going to a vacation in summer holidays. There they executed their plan. They made them realize their love towards each other, the care they have towards each other. And as a result Kim Taehyung and Kim Jisoo became a couple. The couple which their friends loved a lot.

The couple and their friends decided to keep their relationship a low-key and hide it from Taehyung's parents unless and until they are ready for it.

The final year was coming to an end. They would be graduates very soon. Jisoo and Taehyung's relationship grew more. They just had two months for their final exams. After the exam everyone would be going on their own ways. They will have to go overseas for higher studies too.

But unfortunately the thing which Taehyung and Jisoo didn't wanted to happen took place.   

One evening, Taehyung and Jisoo thought of going for Ice cream parlor since they would be studying all day along they won't be able to talk to each other. Taehyung informed his mom that he would be going to his friends home to clarify some doubts, while Jisoo informed her mom that she would be going to Jennie's house to get some notes from her. 

They had already informed their friends about their lies just incase their parents call their friends to confirm about their whereabouts.

"Which Ice cream do you want?" Taehyung asked.

"Hmm...I'll have that one..chocolate with wafers." Jisoo said while pointing towards the menu board for which Taehyung smiled in return.

"Two chocolate with wafers please.." Taehyung said to the owner.

After few minutes Taehyung bought their order while Jisoo was sitting in the corner table.

"Here....Ice cream for my charming princess." Taehyung said and sat across her.

"Thank prince." She said and took the ice cream.

They were having their time talking to each other about themselves, their subjects and were even debating about some principles of management too.

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