CASE 3003

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(I have re-published this story once again. Because someone had put the entire story in their Instagram account. I had earlier published this story on 22-9-2022. This entire story is mine so please do not copy it. It feels very bad when they get more votes and likes than me.... And lastly I am sorry. I feel like my story isn't worth liking.)


"Why did you bring me here?" Asked a girl who was examining the interior of a small yet cosy condo.

"You will get to know about that in few minutes..but before that wear this dress and come out...." A man with deep voice spoke as he handed a box which was beautifully wrapped with a gift wrapper.

"What's this all about Tae....?" She asked as she took the box from her boyfriend Kim Taehyung.

"Just do as I say Jisoo.....Just wear this and come out..." He suggested her.

"But....." Jisoo was interrupted in the mid by Taehyung.

"If you don't, then I'll have to make you wear it by myself...." He said while winking at her. This made Jisoo turn red as tomato. She ran towards the bedroom without saying anything and closed the door. She could feel her cheeks turning hot. 

"But.....don't worry because I'll be the one removing that though....." She heard him yell from outside. This surely that didn't help her calm down. She was smiling like a weirdo.

It was not like that they did not get intimate at all. In their journey of two years relationship they have done a lot of things and also gone through lot of things together. For Jisoo every time Taehyung touched her she would feel different. Every time it felt like it was her first time. His touch would make her go insane. On the other hand Taehyung was the one who would always pamper her and spoil her with his gifts and most importantly his hugs and kisses.

He would always crave for her touch and 'I love you's'. He would feel bad even if she forgot to say him 'bye' before going to her work. But they also fought with each for some silly things too, which made them stronger and understand each other more.

They were a sweet couple loved by their family and friends. Being in relationship with each had thought them a lot. 

Kim Taehyung, 28 year old is a Chief of Police in Seoul. He had put his perseverance and hard work into his career and built a self esteem among all the citizen. At a very young age he has achieved a lot. 

While Kim Jisoo, 27 year Software Engineer in Big Multi-national company in Seoul. She had always liked how a software worked, which made her choose Engineering field. At her company she had one of highest position in her department. Both were quite successful in their professional career. 

But the couple meet each other in a very unique way which no one could have imagined.



Taehyung and Jisoo meet each other 3 years ago in a Jewelry store. Jisoo had gone there to purchase some Jewelry for herself while Taehyung was on a mission to find a criminal's partner. He had got some internal information that the criminal's partner was a young girl and would come to Seoul's high end Jewelry store. So he and his team mates went in a casual dress so that no one would identify them to be as cops.

They were just acting as if they wanted to buy something though they had already informed the owner of the store. But when Taehyung was scanning around he found one girl suspicious. She was looking around her, confirming that no one was looking at her. He was observing her without her notice. He slowly called one of his team mate and informed him to keep a close eye on that particular girl.

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