- Chapter 37 -

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The doctor pulled up a chair across from the group of detectives and Rebecca, seemingly at a snail's pace, just before he was called over by a nurse to discuss something with him. Rebecca's nerves were reaching new heights, and Jonathan sat next to her, whispering in her ear to try and keep her grounded and present.

He asked her to answer some basic and more difficult questions, anything that would really keep her mind from wandering into a dark abyss. He asked her to tell him things like her favourite memory and the last time she'd had an ice cream sandwich. They varied, and she appreciated it all, even if the others didn't know what was going on and couldn't understand how they'd gone from talking about raccoons to roller coasters.

The doctor returned and seeing as the halls were quiet enough, decided that their conversation could be made there. "Well, I'd love to have this discussion with all of you, but it's pertinent as of right now to keep things under wraps. Miss Quin, you're his fiancée, so I'm obligated to tell you. However, your friends are going to have to leave or wait elsewhere."

His country drawl should've been soothing, but Rebecca was having a hard time not finding him irritating. "But they're like family. I'd trust them with my life, and so would Colby."

Pamela, who was sitting on the other side of her, whispered. "Rebecca, it's okay."

"No." Rebecca stated sternly, "My fiancé is in there, and nobody will even tell me if he's okay. They're the only people I can rely on right now, and you won't even let me find out what's going on behind that door unless they leave."

"You can just fill us in later." Pamela squeezed her hand after whispering to her. "C'mon, guys. We'll be in the waiting room, Becks."

When they made their way away, Rebecca spoke again but softer. "How'd you know to call me?"

"We found your caller ID pulled up on his phone." Doctor Jones began, "He had essentially dragged himself from the sidewalk where he was shot, to his car."

Rebecca's eyebrows furrowed, "How do you know that?"

"The pool of blood on the sidewalk branching into the trail of blood leading directly to his car." He explained, "Luckily for him, one of the house owners nearby called the police for a noise complaint. Which in turn led to them seeing the scene."

"What happened?" She crossed her arms in an attempt to keep herself held together.

"We believe he got into an altercation of some sort, at least, that's all the information the police would give the paramedics. They're still assessing the scene." He checked his clipboard, "He was shot underneath his right clavicle. And it seems as though when he fell onto the concrete, he broke two and fractured four ribs. Of course, none of it is ideal, but thankfully that was all he damaged, and the bullet was not near any vital arteries or organs."

"So why surgery?" She asked, "Shouldn't it be like a quick stitch up and then a good to go?"

Doctor Jones nodded, "The bullet penetrated and got lodged in his muscle. It didn't go through. They have to retrieve the bullet and any potential shards left behind."

"How long will it take?" She gazed at the door, trying to will it open and catch a glimpse of the inside.

"Maybe an hour or so more?" He spoke after looking at his watch. "If everything goes according to plan, of course. It can always go from non-life threatening to threatening really quickly. He lost a lot of blood and didn't seem to be in a very good state before he got shot, anyways."

Rebecca's leg bounced up and down. "What do you mean?"

"Well, his charts show he was malnourished, dehydrated, and exhausted way before the incident." He explained, and after a while of silence on Rebecca's part, he spoke again. "Listen, he's going to be sore and most likely out of it when he gets out of surgery and wakes up. Take things slow and at his pace. You'll be able to go into the room once the operating team and aftercare nurses are finished."

Rebecca just nodded in response and for the next hour, sat still and alone outside of his door. She texted the team everything and told them to go home, it was already late, and she didn't want them to miss too much sleep.

A few nurses and doctors seemed to be filing out of his room, but she didn't rush in just in case. About another half hour had gone by as Rebecca watched Chase sleep in his seat.

"Miss Quin?" Suddenly a short and sweet-sounding brunette left the room, stood in the doorway, and smiled at her. "There's someone who's asking to see you."

A sense of hope filled Rebecca as she nodded and stood quickly, picking up Chase in his seat with one hand. She walked in slowly, nervously, placing Chase's seat down on the counter nearby and moving towards Colby.

She stood beside his bed, mindful of all the wires and tubes, trying not to get too distracted by his state. She noticed his eyes on hers, unable to prevent the tears from welling in her eyes, and for the first time in what felt like forever, she saw the real him behind his gaze again.

"Rebecca..." His voice was quiet and hoarse, but it was music to her ears, and she could tell he was really trying. "I'm s-so... sor-"

"No, don't do that." She stopped him and carefully placed a hand against his cheek, caressing it with her thumb. "Not right now."

Colby stared at her with his glossy eyes, and she could see the apologetic look in them. Rebecca just smiled as a tear rolled down her cheek. "That's not important right now."

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