- Chapter 68 -

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By the time the ambulance showed up, Colby was sure Rebecca had lost too much blood. The paramedics had rushed her off so quickly Colby didn't even get the chance to try and ride with them to the hospital.

The group had called in other detectives to take statements from the women working for Riki, and police showed up to cart Riki back to the precincts holding cells.

Colby had trouble thinking about any of that, however, as he was instead busy pacing the hospital floors, gazing into the room they had carted Rebecca into. He continuously looked through the large viewing window, even though the operation itself, was being blocked by a curtain that nurses had placed in the way.

"She'll pull through." Jonathan spoke confidently with a nod, settling into one of the chairs facing the window.

It was a bleak view but a less stressful one. It prevented them from getting worked up while trying to understand what was going on behind the glass. After the longer half of the week, they'd all had, they needed a bit of dullness in their lives.

"Get some fresh air, man." Joseph rested his hand on Colby's shoulder. "We're here keeping a watchful eye."

"No." He shook his head in response.

"She's been in surgery all night." Jonathan reminded him. "You're barely able to keep your eyes open."

"Rest. Go home. For her." Pamela, who rushed over with Chase the second she got the call, tried to convince him. "She wouldn't wanna see you like this."

"I can't." His words were almost a sob, a mixture of worry and exhaustion. "You all know I won't be able to even if I try."

"Okay." Joseph nodded before forcing Colby to sit on the chair behind him, pushing him down by the shoulders. "But that doesn't mean you can't try to rest here."

It wasn't that Colby thought he'd be unable to sleep. Now that he knew Rebecca's whereabouts, he was sure he'd get better rest. It was that he didn't want to miss any major updates because he was. Especially when anything could change in the blink of an eye.

Nevertheless, the group practically forced him to, refusing to converse with him or entertain his antics, so eventually, the sleep he so desperately needed, caught up to him.

"Hey." Colby practically jumped out of his chair when Mercedes tapped his arm, feeling like he'd only closed his eyes for a split second. "Someone's asking to see you."

Colby's body may have been quick, but his mind was slow to wake as he struggled to understand the meaning of her words. With furrowed eyebrows, he stared at her until everything clicked into place.

He rushed into the room that was now open and froze the second his eyes met hers. "Detective Lopez."

"Miss Quin." His smile grew, and his words flooded with relief. "You're awake."

"I should be saying that to you." She was in an upright position but was leaning back against her pillows, with her head tilted back slightly. Her eyes drooped, and the bruises and swollen scratches on her face made it difficult to get extremely animated, yet even still, somehow she managed. "I've been awake for a while. From what I've seen, you haven't been."

"They snitched on me?" Colby walked over, too happy to even roll his eyes.

"You snitched on you." Rebecca pointed out, and Colby heard her laugh quietly. "I can see through the window. I'm bruised, not blind."

"I missed you." He admitted easily, as he stood beside her and smiled as tears built in his eyes.

She tilted her head towards him slightly. "Even my smartass qualities?"

He immediately nodded and brushed his thumb across her cheek. "Especially your smartass qualities."

Colby turned serious for a moment. "How you feeling?"

"Well, I'm alive." Her nod was small. "That has to count for something."

"I should've expressed it sooner." Colby spoke suddenly, and when Rebecca looked confused, he continued. "When you're alone and in distress. Your thoughts become inescapable."

He swallowed hard, "I just... couldn't help but think about how I've handled things during our time together. Instead of telling you everything, I stupidly kept things to myself."

Finally, she interjected, her voice still gravelly. "What are you talking about?"

"I should've made you realize sooner. You were not just a mission. You were never a mission." Colby's hand held hers. "And I just... when you were gone, if... if I never got the chance to tell you... I'd never be able to forgive myself."

She squeezed his hand. "You've already told me that. You've apologized plenty."

"Words are one thing." He whispered, "I should've shown you more. Appreciated you more."

"You don't have to. You." She retorted, "The group. Chase. I've never felt more appreciated."

"I know we said no more secrets, but I lied to you." He confessed, "I've been keeping one from you for a long time now."

She watched him carefully as he continued. "And I just... I need you to know. Before something else gets in the way. And I don't want you to feel obligated to react a certain way or that I'm saying it purely because of what just happened-"

"Okay, Shakespeare, spit it out." She weakly raised an eyebrow.

Without warning, he gently bent down and placed a soft kiss on her lips. Careful not to cause her any pain.

He moved his lips to her ear and spoke softly. "I love you."

"Colby." She whispered with an incredulous smile, moving her shaky hand on his cheek, keeping him close and savouring the moment. "I love you too."

The two were suddenly shocked by loud banging on the glass window, causing them to separate and look over. They could hear the group's laughter outside the door and couldn't help but join in sheepishly when they saw Jonathan pressing a ten-dollar bill against the glass while mouthing the words. "Thank you."

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