Chapter 1

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I stand there across the room from you. I keep replaying scenes through my head trying to figure out which one might work best in order to come and talk to you. But no matter how many plans I come up with or how many times I revise them I know they aren't good enough. Then you walk towards the door.

I missed my only chance to talk to you. The worst part is that it's all my fault. I can't blame anyone else but myself even though I would really like to. Why are you becoming such a big part in my life when you don't even know me. It's hard not to talk to you whenever I would like. I mean seriously you are such a big deal and everyone knows you in our big school. Then there's me, the girl who always sits in the back of the classroom and keeps to herself.

I decide that there's no need to be at the party anymore if I'm not going to be able to talk to you. I screwed it up so now I should just leave. I walk towards the door trying to keep calm.

When I reach the door I see that it is pitch black outside. I hadn't planned in staying the party for this long especially since any of my friends aren't here. I turn the doorknob and pull the door open to make my way to my car. There are no lights at all outside so I have to be able to not trip on anything, which will be harder since I wore my heals tonight.

I make it halfway to my car when I suddenly get pushed to the ground by someone.

"I'm so sorry." The man says to me. There is just enough light to make out a manly figure.

"It's ok." I say.

"Oh my you have a little gash right there on you leg, let me help you."

He picks me up and begins to brush me off. I just stand there saying nothing to him. I try to make out his face but there is no way I will be able to tell in this lighting.

"Come inside with me and I will get you a bandaid for your cut" he says, "its pretty bad."

He picks me up and carries me, like a man does after a romantic date, towards the house that I just came out of. I have know idea why I may be letting him do this for me but right now I'm pretty adamant that I want to know who this mysterious guy is.

"I'm going to take you around to the back door so that nobody has to see you like this."

"Oh it really doesn't matter to me on what door we go through." I say while smiling. Thank goodness he can't see my smile because it is probably really cheesy.

He opens the door without even putting me down and all I am thinking is who this guy is. The door leads us through the kitchen which nobody is in because all of the food is in the gathering room.

Then I remember something. I can finally see who this guy is for the first time.

I take a glance at his face and when I do I nearly pass out. This is not what I expected. A total plot twist.

"It's you." I mumble quietly under my breath.

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