Chapter 2

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"Who is who?" Kurt asked me in a confused tone. How did he hear me? I thought I was quiet enough but somehow he heard me. I feel my cheeks start to get red which means that yet will probably turn super red. I can't let him see me like this but I don't want to miss out on this moment either.

My mind goes blank and I can't think of anything to cover up for what I said. This isn't good.

"Oh, I just connected the dots about someone I know and the other person I know." I say. It was not a good coverup at all because I even lost myself in all of that.

I can only imagine what he is thinking about me right now. Like why he didn't just leave me to bleed out in the dark or why he is even carrying or talking to me. I actually feel like he should of left me out in the dark street because I am just making a fool out of myself.

When we reach the bathroom, were the first aid box is, he balances on one foot while holding me to put the toilet seat down. Then he carefully sets me down on the seat and starts looking and my scrape. Now that I can see what it looks like I wish it were still dark or that I didn't see it. All I can see is blood. I don't like blood. So I look away.

"It's pretty bad," he says "you might need stitches for that."

It must have been a worse fall than I though because it doesn't seem like I would need stitches for that small of a fall.

"It must have been a worse fall than it felt." I say jokingly. And he laughs.

"Does it seriously not hurt that bad?"

"No not really. Should it?"

"It looks like it should but you must be tougher than most girls are." He says and I blush.

"We better get to the ER if you don't want to loose a lot of blood." He says while putting some gauze and a towel with tape around me leg.

I take off my heels and go to stand up but he makes me sit back down.

"You can't walk when your in this condition!"

"Really I can. It's not that big of a deal at all."

Instead of listening to me he picks me up and carries me just as before. Just feeling a touch of his hand on me is enough to send tingles through my body. This is the most amazing feeling in the world and I don't ever want it to end.

We get out to his car which is really fancy for us being only seventeen years old but it's pretty awesome. He gently places me in the car, shuts the door, and gets in the drivers side.

When he starts the car it fires right up and we leave the party to go to the ER.

In my head I wonder what my mom is going to say about me ending up in the ER. But I'm not worried about that right now. All I care about is about how lucky I was to have him be the one to take me to the hospital.

I keep taking secret looks at him being cautious so he can't see me doing it. He has perfect brown hair that goes down to his eyebrows and in the back halfway down his neck. It is like a deep caramel color which gives his skin a tan skin tone. And to top it all off he has super bright blue eyes that shine bright even when it is the sunniest day. Lets just say he is perfect all over. He has a fit body because of course he is the Quarterback on our high school football team. He is also our fastest one mile runner on the track team.

"What?" He asks me. I'm not sure what he is asking me.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Why do you keep looking at me?"

"I'm just wondering why you are doing this for me. You really don't have to do this for me. I can take myself if you wanted to stay at the party longer."

"Do you know what kind of reputation I would get for leaving the cute high school cheer captain, who cheers at my games, all hurt on the street? Especially when I'm the one who hurt you." We both laugh a little but I'm not stuck on how he called me cute.

"That's very true but don't you want to stay at the party longer?"

"Oh we are going back after we get you all fixed up."

"We?" I ask to make sure I heard him right.

"Don't you want to go back?" He asks.

"Oh, yeah I do but I mean I'm going to look funny with stitches on my leg at a party in heels."

"You'll look like you always do... beautiful. You always have been."

And then my heart exploded with happiness. Why does he have to be so perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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