{Chapter 5: Childhood in the Rain}

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// The last chapter was posted around April 16. I hadn't even started this till May 4 I'm sorry xD

Y'all have been waiting so long to see the smol bean again but thy must haseth some patients. //

Amalia looked out the window it was raining again and it's been two weeks sense her visit to Eva and Dally's house. She poked her hand out the window hole and let the rain drop on it.

It was only drizzling outside. Amalia took her hand out of the rain and walked out of her room to the garden.

The huge Weeping Willow that stood in the garden swayed gently in the calm breeze. Amalia walked over to it letting the chilly rain splatter gently on her and sat down on the bench under the willow.

She could almost imagen Elely and Flopin running around and playing in the rain. Then instead of the twins she thought of Eva and how they used to sit out here and play with each other.

"Why can't things be like that anymore..." She whispered to herself and rested her head on her hand as the rain got heavier.

Amalia must have fallen asleep there because the next thing she knew she was lying on the bench she had been sitting on and half drenched.

She sat up. It was still cloudy, but the rain had become only a slight drizzle. The sun was setting. It's probably time for dinner, my least favorite time of day... Amalia thought with a sigh and walked to the dining hall.

Once she got there, she sat down and said nothing.

"And where have you been?" Armond asked obviously noticing she was practically drenched.

She ignored him and just wondered why her father wasn't there.

"Well?" Armond said impatiently.

"I was outside, okay." She replied and took a bite of her food.

They sat there for a bit. Amalia was the only one who barely ate. Once again Allora and Armond tried to get Amalia a suitor.


"What is it Allora." Amalia said bitterly looking at Allora, her question sounding more like a statement.

"There is someone we want you to meet."

Here we go again... she thought and rested her head on her hand.

[time skippy because we all know how that ends]

Amalia looked at the ceiling as she lay on her bed. She sat up and turned her head. A dark blur shot past in the trees. She shook her head; her eyes must have been playing tricks on her.

She sat there for a moment then lay down and closed her eyes, falling asleep.

//Sorry it's been *checks date* OVER A MONTH GOSH- I figured I should post something so sorry if this is a bit short. My brain has been occupied with Ninjago and I can't stop obsessing over it :'>

-June 1, 2022//

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