An idiot's idea

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Today in school Shinso was given a project in history about researching a hero's hardest sacrifice . Since both his dads were very busy today he decided to ask Midoriya from class 1a to help him because he knew a LOT about heroes and Shinso wanted to do his father, pro hero Eraserhead. He brought Eri over to the class 1a dorms and went to Midoriya.

He knocked on the door and heard "Come in!". As usual there were hundreds of all mights' facing and looking at him with the classic smile. As he tried not to knock one over he saw Midoriya by his desk looking really busy. He noticed Shinso and said "Hey Shinso!" whilst typing on the laptop "What do you want". Shinso said he needed help with homework however Midoriya was also busy with his homework as well. "Maybe you could do some digging in your house... like an attic?" Midoriya suggested while working, "Nah dad said not to go there". Out of nowhere someone said "Why can't ya?" Shinso noticed the voice... Denki Kamanari his first proper friend.

"I dunno... rules" although the rule was a mystery it actually hasn't bothered Shinso since now. Denki said as he flopped on Midoriya's bed "Well there is no need for a rule like that if there is no reason for it" he had a point thought Shinso as he looked at him. Soon Midoriya said "Kamanari-kun did you do the homework due tomorrow" he said as he shut down the laptop. Soon Denki went lightning speed to his room and both Midoriya and Shinso chuckled.

As he was getting ready to go out he kept thinking about what denki said and whether to trust the idiot's idea. Soon he was interrupted by a pink figure, Mina Ashido, asking if Eri could stay for a while. Shinso texted his father and a reply came saying 'Yes' so he nodded to Mina and informed "Drop her off later at 7 ".

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