Chapter one

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I stood Infront of the mirror in Monroe's living room staring at my 6 month  baby bump showing.

"Relax, you look beautiful." Rosalee encouraged hugging me from behind.

"Thank you, but I just feel nervous, how am I supposed to tell the father of my baby that he's a father?" I asked turning to Rosalee and Monroe.

You see, since moving back here 8 months ago, I've been living here with my sister Rosalee and her husband Monroe.

"You're just gonna have to come out with it to Renard." Monroe said with a slight sigh.

"He is right Ava, you're just gonna have to tell him. He deserves to  know." Rosalee said comfortingly.

"I suppose your right. I better get going then, wish me luck." I said.

"Good luck." Monroe and Rosalee said at the same time. I grabbed my coat, bag and my car keys, heading to my car. Getting in I head to the police station, he was the captain there.

I walked to  reception desk who took me to Sean's office. She knocked, and I could hear a faint 'come in'. She let me in then closed the door behind me. Sean looked at my surprised.

"Ava it's good to see you, what are you doing here?" Sean asked, I took a deep breath to calm myself.

"There's something you need to know." I said nervously, he stood up.

"What is it?" He asked concerned and slightly confused coming closer to me a bit.

"Uh-um this might be a bit of a shock, but please don't be mad." I said, I was so scared of what his reaction would be.

"Whatever it is you can tell me." He encouraged. Sighed closing my eyes briefly.

"I'm ... Uh..pregnant... With your baby." I stuttered a bit opening my coat to reveal my decent size baby bump, he stared in shock and what I think to be in awe.

"You're sure it's mine?" He asked unsure.

"Yes, you're the only person I've been with." I said, he sighed and crouched down to be at level with my stomach and softly placed his hands on it.

"How far along are you?" He asked, I looked down at him.

"6 months, you're not mad?" I replied nervously, he laid his forehead on my stomach.

"No I'm not mad, I'm happy, and I promise to be there for you and this baby." He admitted, I placed my hand on his shoulder smiling happily.

"I'm glad to hear that, I was so worried." I said as he stood up and hugged me,I hugged back.

"Do you know the gender of the baby yet?" He asked as we let go of each other.

"Uh no, I have an appointment tomorrow to find out, would you like to come with?" I asked hopefully.

"You want me to come with?" He asked surprised. I nodded

"Well you are the father, you should be there." I replied, he grabbed my hand smiling.

"Of course I'll come with." Sean said.

"The appointment is at 1:30." I said, he nodded.

"I'll be there." He said and there was a knock at the door before Nick and hanks heads pooped in.

"Hi Ava, Captain can we talk?" Nick said, he nodded. I placed my coat back on and grabbed my bag.

"Hi Nick, Hank. Uh I'll see you tomorrow then Sean." I said, Sean kissed my forehead quickly then I left the office heading back to my car.

I was getting snackish, so I thought to go to the shops and buy some peanut butter and sour lollies, it was my main craving for some reason during this pregnancy.

Parking in the car park, I got out, locked the door and made my way inside the shop. I found what I was looking for, paid and got back into my car. I started it and made my way through the semi busy streets until I got back to Monroe's house.

I parked on the side of the road, locked the car again and walked my way inside, once in I closed and locked the door going to go sit on the couch and start snacking on the food I bought, I turned on the TV and chanel surfed until I found something decent to watch.

To my luck vampire diaries was on, I sat and watched that for a while, nobody was home. I figured Rosalee and Monroe were at the spice shop, it was now 2:41 in the afternoon.

I suppose it got lonely sometimes but that's okay, I had to be careful and stay safe, and keep my baby safe. Monroe and Rosalee have been so supportive and kind during this time, even Nick and hanks were find of me now. I hadn't met this Adalind girl Nick is with yet but I assume I will soon.

On another note I'm so happy and glad Sean was accepting and supportive of me and our baby, I honestly wasn't sure what to expect.

I know he has a daughter with Adalind, and she has a baby son with Nick now. Monroe and Rosalee keep me up to date pretty good. I'm still getting used to be here and it's been a litter hard as I've gotten pregnant and now I seem to waddle more.

I've slowly been gathering some baby stuff over the months, I got a bassinet, baby cleaning stuff and some clothes, neutral colours of course until I know the gender.

To be honest I'm excited to find out what the baby is, Monroe says it's a girl, but Rosalee and I think it'll be a boy. I want a boy, I always have.

I heard the door unlock then open, I turned to see Monroe. He noticed me right away and smiled.

"So how did it go with Renard?" He asked closing and locking the door, then came and sat next to me on the couch.

"Really good actually, he was happy and promised to look after me and the baby and be there for us." I said happily, I put my now empty peanut butter jar and sour lollies rapper in the bin and came to sit down with a glass of water.

"Well that's great news Av." Monroe said getting excited for me. I smiled and he got up to start making dinner since it was now 5pm.

I put the news on as we liked to watch that together and soon Rosalee got home and I explained in more detail what happened at the police station with Sean. She was also happy.

I know Sean is happy about this baby and I know he promised to be there for us, but I can't help but wonder if we'll just be friends or will this baby bring us closer and maybe make us a family. I know I like Sean, its why I went on that date and had that one night stand with him, but I couldn't face him after finding out I was pregnant.

I hope he likes me and would like to make us a family, but I guess only time will tell.

But no matter what happens I will always do my best to protect this baby and do what's best for her or him.


Okay! First chapter up, don't forget to vote, follow and maybe read something else I've written.

I am a bit rusty I haven't written in nearly a year, so please be nice :)

Now remember that this is not completely mine, I only own Ava Calvert and the baby, the rest belong to whoever created the Grimm series.

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