Chapter Three

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Over the next few weeks my stomach continued to grow along with Sean and i's connection. We've declared that we are infact in a relationship and are going strong.

I've slowly been packing my things, which isn't much to be honest. Sean and I have discussed about me moving in just before the baby is born, and we've gone public on the knees to Portland.

I've become the future mayor's girlfriend. This baby loves to kick and move around heaps especially when he knows Sean is around.

Already he is a big daddies boy. We have talked about names, so far we've chose a few options. 1. Dmitri, 2. Elijah 3. Nikolaus or Klaus for short, 4. Luke.

As for middle names we've agreed on James, it's a normal common middle name.

At the moment I sat in Sean's living room, there was a window seat with soft pillows and a warm comforter, I sat there heaps, it was my favourite spot.

Sitting there I was reading a book, it was called if it bleeds, it's a Stephen king book. I liked it, I had the fluffy comforter wrapped around me, as Sean and his people were sitting around the living room discussing mayor things and whatnot.

I started to feel nauseous and got up heading to the bathroom upstairs. I held my hair back as I puked my guts into the toilet bowl. Once done I rinsed my mouth out then went into the kitchen, going into the fridge I grabbed my drink bottle of cold water.

I went back into the living room, and back to my window seat, I sighed trying to make the sick feeling go away a bit.

"Are you okay Av?" Sean asked concerned, I nodded.

"Yeah just morning sickness, I'll be fine." I said, then went back to reading, soon I saw Sean's daughter Diana come down stairs.

She came over to me and asked if I could take her for ice cream, I looked to Sean who nodded in approval, I smiled to Diana, grabbed my coat, bag and keys. Got some boots on and we made it out to my car.

We got to the ice cream shop and got out of the car. Diana stayed by my side as we ordered her favourite one, we sat and ate our ice creams before heading back to Sean's mansion.

"Thank you Ava for taking me for ice cream, I really enjoyed it." Diana said kindly with a smile.

"You're welcome sweety anytime." I said smiling back, she gave me a hug then ran up the stairs to go play in her room.

I'm glad she likes me because Sean told me of an incident where she didn't like a girl he was sleeping with and she killed her by wrapping her in her bedsheets and suffocating her.

Nick sent me a message inviting me to dinner at his place with Monroe and Rosalee, I agreed and began to get ready.

I told Sean what was going on, I went over to Monroe and Rosalee's who then drove us to nicks place. I was kinda nervous, I mean I haven't met Adalind or Kelly yet but I can't wait to. I hope she accepts me, as I am kind of like a step mom to her daughter Diana.

Once we got there, Nick let us in and I greeted him with a warm hello.

"Hi I'm Adalind, it's nice to meet you." Adalind said introducing herself to me.

"I'm Ava, it's nice to meet you to I've heard so much about you." I said, she looked a little worried and I understood why from what I'd been told about her. Her and Nick didn't start off with a good start, she tried to kill his aunt and attacked him, he went after her and yadda yadda yaa, but now she's changed and she's good.

* * * *

This is just a short chapter I had drafted for a long time. I might go back tobwriting this at some point

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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