Chapter two

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I woke up and stretched. Looking to my alarm clock I see it's 8:30am, getting up carefully I grab the clothes I want to wear for today and go for a shower.

I wash my hair with my berry shampoo and conditioner, then wash my body with the coconut and Vanilla body wash.

Hoping out I dry myself and get dressed, today I'm wearing black leggings with a light blue long sleeve tshirt, I wear my black boots and a dark blue and black scarf.

I dry my hair with my hair dryer and style it in slight waves, I do some light lip gloss and black eye liner with grey eye shadow in a fade.

Leaving the bathroom I make my way downstairs to the kitchen, I see Monroe doing his morning Pilates routine and Rosalee making coffee.

"Good morning guys." I said cheerily, Monroe smiles while concentrating on his breathing and counting.

"Morning Av, how are you feeling?" Rosalee asked handing me a cup of tea, as I don't drink much coffee anymore.

"I'm good, you?" I said making some toast, I sat at the table to wait for it to pop up.

"Yeah I'm good, Are you coming to the spice shop today?" Rosalee asked. I thought about it.

"Yeah sure, I'll come in for a while, I have an ultrasound to find out the baby's gender at 1:30 today. " I said, my toast popped up and I spread some Nutella on them and sat down.

I ate my food and drank my drink before putting my coat and boots on. Rosalee went in her car as I got in mine, we drove to the spice shop, I locked my car and went inside with her

Throughout the morning we served customers, mostly wesen. I made a little concoction to help with the morning sickness, the baby was moving a decent amount.

At 1 o'clock I said goodbye to Rosalee, grabbed my coat, bag and water bottle and got into my car. I drove to the doctor's clinic to see Sean waiting by his car for me.

"How's the baby?" Sean asked placing a hand on my shoulder.

"The baby's good, moving a lot." I said as we made our way in, I gave them my name and they told me to wait in the sitting area.

There was a person Infront of me, but once we got in I lifted my shirt so the doctor could put the cold gel on my stomach and do the ultrasound.

"So this is the father?" The doctor asked, I nodded.

"Yes I am, is the baby okay? Healthy?" Sean asked holding my hand in comfort.

"Yes your baby looks to be healthy and growing as should be. Would you like to know the gender of your child now?" The doctor said, I sighed in relief and so did Sean.

"Yes please." I said, I laid nervously as he found the right spot and could see what the baby was.

"Well you'll be happy to know that it's a baby... Boy." The doctor said smiling looking to us, I smiled along with Sean at hearing we're having a boy.

"I'm gonna have a son, I can't wait."  Sean said happily I sat up and he hugged me kissing my forehead. He was so happy as was I.

After we left the office Sean walked me to my car.

"I was thinking, would you like to go out to dinner with me again?" Sean asked, I smiled.

"I'd love that, you know I have always liked you." I confessed shyly, he grabbed my hand gently.

"And I like you, we'll make this a family." Sean said with a small smile, he leaned in and placed his lips in mine in a soft kiss. I kissed back softly and smiled to him.

"I'll see you tonight then Sean." I said,

"I'll pick you up at 7 sharp." Sean said and walked to his car, I got into mine and smiled happily.

I drove to the spice shop and told Rosalee all about what just happened and told her that the baby is a boy.

"Ooo I'm so excited for you, I'm gonna have a baby nephew." Rosalee gushed happily in glee.

"I know, and Sean really does want to make this work I can feel it deep down. I have a good feeling for us." I said, I sat down on the bed in the side room.

Rosalee came and sat next to me, I'm so glad and grateful to have her as my sister, the rest of our family didn't really agree with what we did in the past.

Like Rosalee, I went through a drug phase but I fixed it myself before Rosalee went to jail. I hated that life style so I cleaned myself up and came to help my brother out, but then I left again but he was killed so I came back with Rosalee and have been here in Portland ever since.

I missed our brother he was a mostly good guy from what I remember. Soon Nick, Hank and Monroe came in. They all said hi and they got to work in whatever was going on, I kind of stayed out if it mostly to protect myself and the baby.

To think about it now, I'm gonna have to think if baby boy names for this baby, and ask Sean if he has any ideas for it.

When the baby is born, will I move in to live with Sean? I know he's trying to run for mayor at the moment. I think he'll be a good mayor.

And he needs the small happy family look, so that would be good also at the same time.

"Hey guys I'm gonna go, I have to get ready for Sean and i's date tonight." I said, they all said buy and gave me a brief hug, I put my coat on, grabbed my bag and made my way to my car.

I drove home, got inside, went for a quick shower then got dressed into a nice pair of black jeans, a nice frilly shirt, black scarf and my leather jacket. I did my hair in lots of curls and did light natural make up.

Sean arrived 7pm sharp and got into the car. He drove us to a beautiful looking resultant with lots of people.

Going in they recognised him and got us a table straight away, we sat down with our menus that the waiter handed to us.

I ordered a coke and Sean got a lemonade while we went through the menu to choose something. Looking through I decided to go with chicken schnitzel, chips and gravy.

Sean went with the same and we ordered, we talked for a while until our food came and then we did small chit chat while we ate.

We talked about us and the baby, and I asked about some baby names and ideas. I said I liked the name Dmitri and so did he.

After dinner, Sean paid and he drove me home, walking me up to the front door I turned to him and smiled.

"I had a great time tonight, thank you." I smiled great full to Sean, he smiled back.

"Me to, can I kiss you goodnight?" He asked. I nodded and we both leaned in and kissed gently, soon it became more heated and he pulled away slightly.

"I'll see you tomorrow then Ava." Sean said kissing my forehead then walking to his car.

I unlocked the door, went inside and closed the door behind me. I locked it and went up to change into my Slytherin Harry Potter pj shirt and shorts.

I laid in bed and went to sleep, dreaming if a happy family I wish to have one day.


Well that's chapter two up, I hope you like it, I know I do

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