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Hey everyone, I'm going to try to stay as realistic as possible for this book, so I hope you enjoy. I'm going off of the limited information the synopsis Stu gave on his website for this, so it might be bad, I don't know. Also, I almost never write in past-tense so if it's a bit messy in some places that's why.

Armistead Dormitory

Academy of Espionage

June 1

0800 Hours

When I woke up that morning, I expected to have a normal, relaxing Saturday after my last mission a few weeks ago, but instead, I was greeted with my identity revealed on national news. I rolled over to my side and reached for my phone on the bedside table, almost bumping my clock off it in the process. I swiped open the screen on my phone, immediately going to the news. Now, I get it, some people don't like news, but when you're stuck in a place like here where nothing comes in and nothing goes out, it helps me keep in touch with whats happening. The loading icon flashed up and I read the top headline. Then I read it again. Then a third time. I must be delusional, I think. It reads, Who is Benjamin Ripley? Emperor of the Seas Incident Explained.

I started freaking out, panicking. How was this possible? How did they find my identity? What's going to happen to me? The last one was seemingly the most important, since when you're in the CIA, if you're exposed to the public, you're usually killed.

Let me quickly explain. You see, I'm a spy in training at the CIA's Academy of Espionage. Me and all my friends are. I've been unfortunate enough - or fortunate enough, in some of the other student's  eyes - to have gone on multiple missions, giving me more experience than almost anyone at school. Though that doesn't make me the best. In fact, I'm probably in the lower half of student's here skill wise. I was originally recruited as a patsy, so I could lure out a mole, but when I survived, the CIA let me stay in the organization, so now here I am today.

I tried to think calmly and take the situation logically. I decided to go get help, and who better to go to than Erica Hale. She's the best student in the academy, easily. Her family is famous for their spying efforts, dating all the way back to Nathan Hale, her great-great-great-great-grandfather. She usually doesn't like people, but I seem to be one of the only exceptions, with us being as close as anyone could be with Erica. She's even kissed me.

I kept my phone in my hands, gripping onto it so hard my knuckles were white. Erica's room was on the same floor as mine, just down the hall and to the right for seven doors, then you were there. It was only eight in the morning on a weekend, so most people were still asleep, resting from their hard and straining week. I hoped Erica would be in her room, but I knew there was a chance she wasn't.

I walked down the cold tile hallway nervously, my feet bare in my rush to get some kind of help. I rounded the corner to the branch where Erica's dorm was. I increased my pace slightly to a brisk walk and counted the number of doors until I got there. I had only been there once, but I have an innate sense for math, being able to memorize any phone number or license plate in just one look. It comes in handy sometimes. My stomach gets butterflies, from both the idea of seeing Erica and the fact that my career might be down the drain, along with my life. Me and Erica hadn't talked much since the last mission, which was common for her. I reached her door and went to knock, but the second my hand went up, the door opened and something pulled me inside, all within half a second.

I stood up from the ground, brushing off my pants. I got carpet in my mouth. I looked up, standing about eye level with Erica. Erica was the most beautiful girl I'd ever met. She had long, raven black hair, perfect crystal blue eyes, and always had her signature scent of lilacs and gunpowder. She did not look happy to see me. "What do you want?" she asked sternly,  lips slightly pursed.

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