Starting Initiation

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All Characters belong to RR & VR

Tris POV

"The first thing you will learn today is how to shoot a gun. The second thing is how to win a fight." Four pressed a gun into my palm with out looking at me and keeps walking.

"Thankfully, if you are here, you already know how to get on and off a moving train, so I don't need to teach you that."

The Erudite boy Percy threw onto the train shifter uncomfortably at the mention of the train. That drew Four's attention pretty quickly.

"You!" He barked, pointing out the boy whose face paled.

"Yes sir?" The red headed boy responded.

"You don't know how to." It wasn't a question. the chubby boy nervously looked at Percy who was studying the gun curiously. Four noticed where he looked and his eyes zeroed on Percy. He narrowed his eyes.

"Percy!" Four shouted loudly. Startling Percy from his observation of the new weapon in his hands.

He jerked backwards dropping the gun. It clattered onto the hard floor. Percy's back was against the wall and he was in a defensive position, he looked sorta pale and was shaking slightly. His sea-green eyes darted around room nervously before landing on Four who startled him out of his thinking. When he realized is was just Four who shouted at him, he pushed himself off the wall with shaky hands and stood up straight out of he defensive position.

The room was eerily quiet, he looked around the room once more as if to make sure there was definitely no danger. Once he was certain he walked forward slowly and bent down and picked up the gun. He turned toward Four slowly and put the gun on the table.

"Yes Four?" He asked quietly. Four blinked a few times to try and remember why Percy reacted this way when he shouted his name.

"I have severe PTSD remember Four?" Percy said answering the unasked question in everyone's mind. A lightbulb seemed to click as he remembered what happened yesterday. Four looked ashamed that he forgot.

"My bad Percy, I forgot." Four apologized.

"It's fine Four." Percy said gently. "You'll remember eventually. So what did you want?"

"Umm...," Four continued a bit confused, " yeah, well, oh yeah, why did mr. Freckles over there glance at you when I mentioned getting on and off a moving train?"

"Oh, that's because I threw him into the train." Percy replied earnestly, he gained his color back and seemed back to his relaxed self.

"I got everyone who had trouble getting on the train onto the train before I got on myself, such as Peter, Molly, Christina, Al, Will, and Tris."

Four's eyes seemed to harden as he listed the people he helped on, but suddenly softened when my name was mentioned. But then the softness disappeared as quickly as it came, so I don't know if I hallucinating or not. I shook my head and focused on what Four would say.

"Ok, since you helped the majority of he initiates we won't throw them out, and I won't tell anyone, but do it again, their gone." Four said, his voice expressing no emotion.
Percy nodded in acknowledgement. With that said, Four continued explaining initiation.

"Initiation is divided into three stages. We will measure your progress and rank you according to your performance in each stage. The stages are not weighed equally in determining your final rank, so it is possible, though difficult, to drastically improve your rank over time."

I stare at the weapon in my hand. Never in my life did I expect to hold a gun, let alone fire one. It feels dangerous to me, as if just by touching it, I could hurt someone.

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