Chapter one

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Ok so it appears that the discription is gone? Idk what happened to it which sucks!!! Comment if it is there or not coz it might just be my phone... 


Before we start, yes, the main girl is in fact named after me (Emily) because fun fact, this was a dream I had one night and I thought it would be best to keep it as correct as I can which means that in a way I am the main character :)

Is it weird that I am sharing my dream out to the wattpad community? hmmm nahhhh I just hope you all enjoy it and not think its too weird haha

Anyways I am blabbering (mainly because I want have more word on this chapter haha) so go on and read the actual book :)


"I'm sorry Emily, but we have to let you go."

I looked at Dave with wide eyes. "Are you serious? W-why?" I couldn't believe it. I had been working here for two years and they decided to let me go now? Why couldn't they have done that one and a half years ago when I really didn't like it here? Why now when I just get the hang of making coffees and serving people?

My mom is gonna have a field day with this one that's for sure.

"I'm sorry. You have been great at what you have been doing but there are other people who need it more, others that need the money more. But your not the only one who is getting let go. Kay and Elizabeth are too and they seem to be fine with it." Dave explained to me.

I slouched in my seat and rubbed my temples. I can't believe this! Now I am jobless and if my mom finds out Ima have a pissed woman nagging at me. How am I gonna find a job now?

"We will give you pay for the next few weekends that you would have worked but after that your on your own. I am sorry but this is the right thing to do." Dave continued. I didn't bother to look up at him and kept my eyes on my knees.

"Ok." I said in a weak voice. "That fair enough."

"Here, you need to sign this that you are fine with me firing you." I looked up and took the paper and pen from his hand.

Like hell am I ok with this. I thought but wrote the exact opposite.

I handed him the paper back and stood up. "I guess I will sign out and be out of your hair." Dave nodded his head before bidding me goodbye.

After signing out, I dropped my apron off in the cafe, grabbed my things and got in my car. I sat there just staring at the steering wheel. What do I do now? If I tell my mom she will definitely try and make me go back and finish off school like all the other seventeen year olds. But I don't wonna go back to school, that's why I dropped out last year.

My whole plan has been messed up. I was meant to work full time this year and think of what I want to study for next year when I go to college. If I go to college that is. I still don't know what I want to study.

My fingers tightened around the wheel. "Why does everything have to fuck up at the same time?" I gritted out through my teeth.

My moms disappointed expression kept replaying in my mind like a broken record. I closed my eyes an counted to ten. Hoping this would calm me down and think rationally.

"I can't think here, I need to go somewhere. Anywhere but home." I muttered. I turned on my car and made my way out of the employee parking and onto the highway.

My mind wondered off to how well I was doing before today. I had a full time job at a cafe that I actually started to like, I finally had a decent car, I moved out and have been living on my own for two months now, I was saving up for a dog, money was sweet, my landlord was giving me slack for being a new owner and I have been on a few dates.

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