chapter six

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Ok so I kinda left this a little too long....

my bad!

Please dont hate me!!!

I promise that there will be some juicy things going on :3


I will admit, I couldn't help but look around. I mean how many times would I be able to be in this room anyways? Not many times I will tell you that. After straightening out Nico's bed I kinda just stood there, staring...

The first thought that came to mind was if he slept naked and I immediately shook the thought out of my head. I had to start thinking of him as my boss, a much older boss that wouldn't go for me ever.

"Now turn and walk away Emily. Do not jump on the bed like a child." I said to myself. I took a deep breath and left the room with just one last look back.I shut the door and then made my way into the lounge where Mia was sitting with a blanket over her, eating popcorn. I plonked down next to her and took some popcorn."How much have I missed?" I asked after I swallowed.

"Not much, maybe five minutes." Mia replied with her eyes glued on the screen. I nodded my head and got lost into the film.

Half way through the movie Mia started to get sleepy. Her head had already dropped to my shoulder and no and then she would do a little jump, obviously from waking herself up when she realized she was sleeping."You can fall asleep if you want" I suggested as I pulled the blanket further up her little frame.

Mia shook her head, "but this is my favourite part!" She whined.

"Well if you can stay awake, you can watch this part and then you can have a nap before lunch?" I suggested. Mia nodded her head and sat up rubbing her eyes. "OK I can do that."

Obviously she didn't. Not even two minutes later did she doze off with her head back and mouth wide open. I chuckled and paused the movie. I gingerly picked her up and took her to her room where I tucked her in bed and sat down at the end of the bed.

I sighed and looked around her room in boredom. In all honestly the pink was so bright and hard to look at so I walked over to the curtains and closed them, reducing the blinding light that streamed in.

Just as I turned around, Mia's door opened and surprisingly Nico walked in.

"Is she asleep?" He asked as he closed the door slowly.

I nodded, "yeah, she was knocked out half way through the movie."

"Sounds like her." He chuckled. "Have you two had lunch yet?" I shook my head. "Not yet."

"Good, on the way here I called and asked Anne to make some chicken raps for lunch so I guess when Mia is awake we can all eat yeah?" I nodded, it sounded like a good idea. Not to mention I am a sucker for chicken dishes.

"Ok good now come one. We might aswel let her sleep." He ushered me out and we both walked towards the lounge. Something stuck me suddenly and I decided to voice my thoughts. "If you don't mind me asking but shouldn't you be a work?"

Nico chuckled. "No its fine. I decided to come home for lunch, to see how both of you were doing and because Anne's food beats anything I have ever had."

"Ohhh that seems reasonable." I commented and took a seat on the couch when we arrived at the lounge. Nico plonked down on the other side of the couch and untied his tie. "So what have you girls done today so far?" He asked and chucked his tie on the couch arm.

"I made some pancakes for breakfast, we then played hide and go seek and then we watched half of nemo." I said, listing off them on my fingers.

"Sounds like a great day. What do you have planned for the rest of the day?"

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