Part two reunited

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The voice is gone Jenny grabs y/n arm roughly waking her up from her dream " we're here time to get out of the car " she says hoping out and you right after her. Right before you can hit the sand and possibly slide down It happens so quickly few catch the misstep. Jenny comes to your rescue catching you by the waist and whisking you to your feet quickly. Shaken an a bit surprised you stare into each others eyes and their is a silence between you.

In the tomb
Deep underground Ahmanets sarcophagus shook violently as she caught visions of someone els with the reincarnation of her Meritamen. Bugs scurried away in sense of danger and the earth quaked in fear of what was to come.

Back with the group
A blush filled Both their cheeks before she let go and y/n planted her feet once again firmly on the ground.
" let us continue girls unless you'd like to put on a show for us " nick stated in a show mens voice. Ending the moment as you both cleared your throats continuing your path as you disappeared into the cavern beneath the sand. Coming to a giant slab door with scriptures on it "Oh my God! Y/n , are you even seeing this it's amazing... ancient I believe it is ?!" Jenny referred to the scriptures on the door.
Chris, awkwardly rubs his neck staring into the dark of the cavern You see him and laugh quietly.
Your POV :We're not in Egypt though," Jenny says
we're on the Fertile Crescent,Mesopotamia the Persian Gulf, ." You replied

Jenny nods without looking at anyone.

"Egypt is a over thousands of miles away, so why would their be an Egyptian crypt here ," You say
" it doesn't make sense, why would they put it here it had to have been stolen. But then their would be no crypt or writing it doesn't add up".

"Colonel, my partner and I are here to  date history and discover ancient relics. An Egyptian work should not  be here unless it was being hidden. This corridor must lead to a room. probably filled with priceless documents of old ting filled with unread knowledge. I know we're not supposed to but I'm not going back up until I see all of it. This is my life's work and I won't wait for it to be stolen from me again." You stated eyes hardened

"We want in there and you're letting us one way or another," Jenny says flashing a gun from behind her back illuminated by her clean white lab coat her eyes filled with a hunger for
Knowledge a prominent insane glint in them as your hand settled on your hip. " We don't want to hurt you but if you give us no choice we will remove you forcefully "you stared taking a fighting stance. A heavy air filled the corridor you knew Chris wouldn't fight the both of you together your team was small but Jen's insanity and hunger for knowledge and your impossible born talent for fighting and war as well as planing and estimation of a fights outcome . You had been a special top secret exploration team on your own for 3 years just the two of you ,previously know for being sent on missions with 80% chance of death and coming out not only alive but having secured and completed the mission before retiring to less dangerous exploration. No one wanted you both as an enemy. But nick had the balls to steal from you so he was the wild card In the situation. Although they both eventually gave on reserving to go with you to in order to avoid questions about coming back missing two of their members.Jenny kept her eye on the two being the logical one of you both as you continue forward being drawn to the crypt by your very being avoiding any traps as if your body knew they were their like you were here when they were built. Before you both came to a door sharing a knowing look together. You gather your strength and attempted to push it open failing it was dangerous in a tight underground arena such as this to use to much force but Jen handed you the tnt already on your same page as you plugged and rigged it you could see the fear in the mens eyes. It blew out the door easily and you all entered surprised at the sight. Jenny points her flashlight almost dropping at what she sees.
A gigantean figure: all man except for his birdlike head. A single eye stared down the middle of an otherworldly pool of liquid , and she held in a chill. The Set statue was an otherworldly sight black and adorned in gold and witch silk. She swallowed harshly as she took in his stance. Set, the god of violence, desert, storms, and chaos knelt on one knee. What would possess a god to bow especially one of such power.

There's an audible click as the video camera starts rolling.

"I am in a large chamber of some kind," Jenny says walking further in and Lelah follows behind.

"There's an inscription on the northern wall."

You  step closer trying to make sense of the hieroglyphs.

Her neck turns swiftly as she hears a mass of dirt and rock fall near the pool

You walk closer to them studying the silver metallic liquid in Nick's hands.

"What is that? Mercury?" Chris and Jenn lean into watching drops of the liquids fall into Nick's hands.

"The ancient Egyptians believed it weakened evil spirits," you thought aloud.
In a trance like state you approached the pool dipping your fingers in

"There's a canal system,"you say quietly still in tranced "Someone was put in here forcefully ," jenn says aloud

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"There's a canal system,"you say quietly still in tranced "Someone was put in here forcefully ," jenn says aloud. " they must have done something unforgivable."

You step towards the chains holding together the system.

"The people here could have been priests or followers of this person ..... no they ... they were  guards," she narrates the hieroglyphics 

You pull out your gun cocking it silently eyes glazed over

She studies the chains around the big pillars.

"Meant to keep something in not others out," she mutters voice wavering .

You can feel soft ghosting hands lift your arms up aiming your gun to the lock on the canal breast's pushed against your back a head in the creek of your neck and cold breath on your skin

" a woman ... no .... A princess locked away mummified alive for her sins " Jenn stutters out eyes going wide

" setepia ... my chosen" a voice whispers in your ear

"With her lesion of undead " Jen whispered in fear  Nicks eyes widen and he runs tword you

"Freeeeeee mee" it whispers voice wavering into wind in the back round of your mind

DONT! Nick shout's

You shoot

You snap out of it turning to face him

"There isn't a single provision made for someone's journey into the underworld. No Canopic jars, no Shabtis."
"This is a fate worse than death in Ancient Egypt,"
"There are six watchers around the well facing inward instead of out. Whatever is in there," Jenny takes a breath."Those chains aren't for bringing it up. They are for holding it down." Jen cries

"This is not a tomb. It's a prison.!" You finish

You all take a breath staring at the chains coming from the water. The earth shakes and skeletons as well as dead workers missing from the camp rise as you all make a run for it a voice screams


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