Part 2

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"Okay I am going to see where Louis is, and we can meet up" Harry says as he was going to get a hold of Louis and see where he was on his leg of his tour cause Harry wanted to see Louis as well and this was the perfect time to see him, and they could bond like old times cand catch up on what has been going on since the break all those years ago as well

Louis was down to meet up with Harry and Niall and hang out with them since his tour was finishing up, he was going to join Harry and Niall on their babymoon, and he was going t drive the RV as well to give poor Harry a break

"Okay it is all settled Louis is going to meet us at his venue and he is going to hang out with us, and we are going to watch him perform" Harry says as he got off the phone with Louis

(Louis venue)

"Harry, Niall it's been too long" Louis says as he came out to greet Harry and Niall and see how Niall was doing as well since Niall was due at any moment

"It has been" Harry says as he was helping Niall off of the RV cause Niall started to get contractions as well, so Niall was just starting labor right now

"Niall, are you okay?" Louis asks him cause he was worried about him right now

"No Louis I am in labor I think I have been for days, and I didn't realize it until now" Niall says as he was going to lean against the RV right now cause his back was hurting him from the labor, so he was having back labor

"Niall you have been in labor for days and you didn't tell me" Harry says as he yells at Niall

"Harry don't yell at Niall it's not his fault he is in labor right now I think we should find a hospital and see who can do male pregnancy deliveries cause I don't feel safe having him deliver on the RV or my bus or in the venue" Louis says to Harry

Louis calls every hospital within distance of the venue, and he found a hospital that does male pregnancy deliveries, and he was going to take Niall there and have him have the baby there


Louis pushes Niall in the wheelchair as Harry follows with the bag and the cards that was needed for Niall to have the baby there, and Harry gets Niall all registered and they head up to maternity where Niall was going to have the baby

"I hope I am not dilated that much" Niall says as he was doing his breathing exercises right now

"Me too Niall" Harry says as he was having Niall hold his hand cause he did this to Niall and he was the coach as well in the delivery room

Niall squeezed Harry's hand every time he had a contraction go through him cause it was starting to be too much on him and he waited to go to a room right now cause the nurses were busy with other patients in the other maternity ward and since they didn't have any other patients right now

"Man Niall that was close to the other one" Louis says as he was timing the contractions right now and he saw the contractions started to get close together as well and Niall was going to be delivering soon and Louis was hoping that they would get into a room soon so Niall could have the baby as well cause at the rate Niall was going he was going to deliver in the hallway

One direction mpreg part 2 wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now