Part 2

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This request was sent in by the fabulous @hyungie_djy here is the full chapter for your viewing pleasure I'll be continuing this into multiple parts and sorry part 2 is late with work being so crazy

Ariel was all settled in and she was comfortable with the guys and the four others decided to go to the gym leaving Zayn alone with Ariel

"Tea party?" She asks Zayn cause she loves playing tea party with the guys especially Zayn cause he had her baby sister which she was excited about

"Sure" he says cause that's all he could ever do besides watching television, eating, sleeping, and going to the bathroom dozens of times as well


Zayn was cleaning the kitchen when he got a call and he answered it

"Zayn it's Liam letting you know that Niall went into labor so we are off to the hospital" Liam tells him

Zayn decided to wait till Ariel wakes up to go to the hospital cause he wanted Niall to have his moment and he was not going to steal his thunder at all cause that was not right cause if he shows up the boys will just neglect him and he will have to be in the waiting room waiting to hear the news as well on the babies and what the babies were

"Oh no" he says when he started to feel his first contraction and he was hoping that it was a false one and not the real thing cause he was fully ready to do this alone if he had to

Zayn was going to start timing the contractions to see if it was the real thing or if it was another Braxton hicks contraction and if it was the real thing he was going to labor at home for the time being and hopefully he doesn't progress at all


Niall was in his room and all three boys were there with him but he had a feeling that someone was missing from the room cause he wanted to have all of the boys in the room with him when he has the twins cause he wants the moment to be really special for not just gif him but for the guys as well

"Where's Zayn?" Niall asks as he was having a really hard contraction and he was getting his breathing under control as well cause he was breathing a little heavy right now and the doctor was a little worried that labor was going to be too much on Niall as well

"I'll try texting him and calling him Ariel is probably still asleep and has not woken up or the two of them went for a walk" Liam says as he was going to text and call Zayn again to see where he was at since Niall was asking for him and wanted to have him in the room when the babies come

Liam did not have no luck at all reaching Zayn

One direction mpreg part 2 wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now